#是日快煮晚餐 - 蕃茄蜜糖焗雞髀 最近連晚上時間表也被跨國會議排得滿滿⋯幸好還能在家工作,830後才開始準備晚飯。分享一下今天的20分鐘晚飯! 1️⃣ 蕃茄蜜糖焗雞髀 早在前一晚醃製,放在冰箱備用。調味料包括:蕃茄(半稞切碎),番茄醬(2tbsp),醬油(1/2 tsp),味啉(1/2tsp), 香蒜粉和黑椒粉少許。焗爐180c 焗15分鐘,在雞皮上加蜜糖,焗爐調至200c 在加熱5分鐘。 2️⃣地中海風雜菜 這是Tesco 的急凍菜系列! 裏面已包含小蕃茄,茄子,節瓜,三色椒和粟米! 1/2 tsp 蒜蓉醬和黑椒拌勻, 放進烤箱和雞髀一起焗20分鐘! 方便又好味! 3️⃣日本珍珠米飯 4️⃣即沖味增湯 家裏一直存放aeon 一盒三種口味的即食味增湯, 營養成分唔差之外, 食飯時飲碗湯!好暖胃! 5️⃣蜜瓜 成年人每日進食三份水果,蜜瓜一碗已經計咗兩份水果。每星期買一個蜜瓜切好粒粒放入冰箱!每日一碗仔!糖分不算高,晚餐食都得! 6️⃣無糖茶一支 我希望維持每日飲3L水,有時去到夜晚好難,為咗氹自己夜晚飲多800ml, 晚上通常飲一支無糖茶。補充水份之餘有解下脂 營養份量如下: 穀物x3 蛋白質x3 蔬果x 4 油 x1 #chimcancook #whatdoeschimmieat #recipes #lazycook #dietfood #dietrecipes #healthyfood #eathealthy #wfheats #cookingathome #kimchi #食譜 #減肥食譜 #簡易食譜 #自己煮 #likesforlike #instalike #宅在家 #自煮生活 #seafood #seafoodlover #生酮飲食 #生酮食譜 #減醣料理 #減醣飲食 #foodie #foodporn #cookingmama #cookingideas

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𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓈𝑒 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝒸𝓀 You don’t need to get your hands dirty! Work smart with the frozen and ready-meal in the supermarket to get the fancy party table ready in 30 mins! 1. Cheese platter good range of cheese, fruits, crackers, dipping source & cold cut. Play around and form them nicely on the board. You get the fancy-looking plate in just a few mins. 2. Pork ribs ready-made pork ribs from Tesco. Reheat 20mins in the oven 3. Grill Brussel sprouts with soft bone chicken Mixed of frozen Brussel sprouts and black pepper marrined soft bone chicken from Tesso. Optional to add 1 tsp of Japanese miso to enrich the favor. Heating in the oven for 180c 20 mins. Topping with sesame and seaweed. 4. Salmon quiche From M&S. reheat 20 mins in oven 5. Crab sticks Garden Salad Ready-meal from Tesco. Optional topping with almond and coconut flake. 6. Crispy snack No one can say no to Crispy! Get as much as crisp ready! I love the cheese stick and nacho from m&s! #chimcancook #lazychef #lazyrecipe #lifehacks #easyrecipes #houseparty #cheeseplatters #cheeseboard #partytime #partyfood #housewarming #partytable #foodporn #hkfoodie #cheflife #師奶日記 #自己煮 #食譜 #派對美食 #自家製 #foodstagram #hkig #likeforlikes #partyfoodhk #instagood #instalike #cooking #easycooking #healthylifestyle

健康煮意 (懶人食譜分享)

香港人生活忙碌,OT完仲要返屋企煮飯,希望喺呢度分享簡單又有營養的食譜!10至20分鐘輕鬆煮飯! 忙碌都唔係變肥嘅藉口!

健康煮意 (懶人食譜分享)



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