大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 贊助 TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展🎈 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」入場門票購票詳情公告 (二) 為了可以方便各個不同地區的玩具迷, 我們今年再次聯同Price.com合作。今年「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」全日票的預售除了在「Superman Toys 超人玩具」實體店售賣外,亦推出將於Price.com.hk的網頁及APP發售,同樣於11月13號開售。🥳🥳🥳 Price.com 全日票預售日期:11月13日至12月12日 網址: price.com.hk/ec-product-detail.php?list_id=&ecpid=234088 ISO: apps.apple.com/hk/app/price-com-hk/id455201798?ign-mpt=uo=4 Google Play: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=networld.price.app **留意** 如果在Price.com.hk購買的門票,將會即時收到信息及QR Code, 請緊記不要刪除任何購買記錄,利用兌換碼入場後再憑據可以到TOYSOUL 大會攤位換領精美票尾作留念。 ------------------------------------- 實體全日門票發售: Superman Toys 超人玩具 地址:九龍旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心二樓 222 室 專頁:facebook.com/Superman-Toys-268034876568111 -------------------------------------- ToySoul 2020亞洲玩具展 日期:12月13日 (日) 活動時間:10:00 – 19:00 地點:九龍灣國際展貿Rotunda 3 (六樓) 大會指定社交聊天APP NearD 亦都會有大會消息一同公佈!大家記得留意喇! APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook 專頁: facebook.com/neardapp ———————————————————————— TOYSOUL 2020 ticket sales details (B) This year we will cooperate with Price.com again. Virtual Tickets selling will be available at website & APP of Price.com.hk. Print Tickets will be available at the "Superman Toys " selling available from 13th November.🥳🥳🥳 Price.com.hk Pre-sale Full Day Ticket starting from 13th November to 12th December 2020 Website: price.com.hk/ec-product-detail.php?list_id=&ecpid=234088 ISO: apps.apple.com/hk/app/price-com-hk/id455201798?ign-mpt=uo=4 Google Play: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=networld.price.app **Please Note** Once you purchased tickets at Price.com.hk, you will receive message with QR code immediately. Please remember not to delete any purchase records. After entering the venue with the redemption code, you can go to the TOYSOUL booth to redeem the printed ticket. ----------------------------------------- Pre-sale Full Day Ticket Superman Toys Address: Room 222, 2/F, 1N Siu Wan Centre, Sai Yeung Choi South Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon. Page: facebook.com/Superman-Toys-268034876568111 ----------------------------------------- TOSYOUL 2020 Date: 13th December (Sun) Opening time: 10:00 – 19:00 Venue: Rotunda 3, 6th Floor, KITEC, Kowloon Bay Follow the latest news of TOYSOUL, download nearD App and chat interact with others👉 APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook page: facebook.com/neardapp #TOYSOUL #TOYSOUL2020 #TOYSOULHK #亞洲玩具展 #SupermanToys #Price #neard #toy #figure #designertoy #arttoy #softvinyltoy #collection #toyexhibition #exhibition #KITEC #comingsoon