大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 贊助 TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展🎈 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」入埸禮物公佈 驚喜不斷為慶祝今次 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」活動舉行,我們將會送出TOYSOUL限定的入場禮物! 如果想擁有其中一款入埸禮物的朋友,記得要進場後保留你的門票,碰一碰運氣!😉 禮物詳情 : 1. Chino Lam - 臭魚 (Surstromming ver.) 2. Litor’s Works - 恐龍妹 (TOYSOUL ver.) 3. How2work b.wing - A仔 **禮物以隨機形式抽取!!! 抽獎詳情如下: TOYSOUL活動開始後,每位玩具迷可以在入場後憑全日門票的票尾到埸內出口處附近的大會禮物換領展位到,有一次機會抽取入場禮物一份。 **禮物數量充足,送完即止。 ⚠️⚠️最後,鑑於最新疫情情況影響下,TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展的入場次序及安排將會同以往的不同,詳情將會於下星期公佈請大家密切留意!!! ⚠ _____________________ TOYSOUL 2020 Entry Gift Announcement By celebrating the TOYSOUL 2020, we are bringing you the most valuable entry gift in the event. If you want to take this special entry gift, remember to keep your full day ticket!😉 Entry gift information: 1. Stinky Fish (Surstromming ver.) by Chino Lam 2. Umasou (TOYSOUL ver.) by Litor’s works 3. A仔 by b.wing How2work **Only one time draw per, ticket, the prize will be in random. Method: After the event started, full day ticket holders can redeem entry gift at the redemption counter which is located near the exit of the venue. Full day ticker holders can draw an entry gift from it by presenting their ticket. ** Please note that only one draw per person, ticket and per time. Supply of the gifts is limited and available only while stocks last. ⚠️⚠️Lastly, due the Covid-19 coronavirus situation, we will have the new of TOYSOUL’s queue arrangement. The information will share on next week. Please stay tuned with us on our platform!!! #TOYSOUL #TOYSOUL2020 #TOYSOULHK #亞洲玩具展 #chinolam #chinolamworkshop #neardapp #toy #figure #designertoy #arttoy #softvinyltoy #collection #toyexhibition #exhibition #KITEC #comingsoon