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大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 贊助 TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展🎈 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」入場門票購票詳情公告 (一) 全城潮玩具迷最期待的活動「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」即將在今年12月13日於九龍灣展貿中心Rotunda 3舉行! 近月來,我們已收到各方潮玩玩具迷查詢有關今次活動TOYSOUL 2020的門票詳情。有興趣的朋友要注意以下特別售票的安排,及今年更是首次推出半日票安排詳細如下喔~ ---------------------------- 全日票預售日期:11月13日至12月12日 全日票預售價:HKD 180 現場全日票售價:HKD 250 是次活動的實體全日門票將於11月13日在「Superman Toys 超人玩具」實體店售賣。及於「Superman Toys 超人玩具」每購買一張全日門票就有機會隨機抽取不同顏色的Labubu一隻,購買全日入場門票詳情如下 : 門票預售價:HKD 180 (沒有限購) **只限於「Superman Toys 超人玩具」購買全日票才可參與此抽獎活動 **每張票只可參與抽獎活動一次, 每次只可抽取一隻, 顏色隨機不可更換** **持全日票玩具迷可以於入場後憑門票票尾到埸內出口處附近的大會禮物換領處抽取一份禮物** (禮物及詳情將於稍後再公佈) **11歲或以下小童不需要購票進場,但同時不可以參與任何抽選活動** **此禮品為非賣品,數量有限** **門票及禮品數量有限,售完即止,恕不另行通知,敬請留意** Superman Toys 超人玩具 地址:九龍旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心二樓 222 室 專頁:facebook.com/Superman-Toys-268034876568111 ---------------------------------- 而於展覽當天(13/12)於九龍灣展貿中心Rotunda 3 (六樓入口處), 更是加設了今年首次安排的半日票發售。 展覽活動日:12月13日(星期日) 現場半日票售價:HKD 40 現場全日票售價:HKD 250 手持半日票的朋友要注意喔!!! 請留意入場身時間,只可於活動當日3點後方可進場及其票尾也不能參與大會禮物換領處的抽取禮物活動. **半日門票只設於活動當日可購買 **11歲或以下小童不需要購票進場,但同時不可以參與任何抽選活動** **門票數量有限,售完即止,恕不另行通知,敬請留意** 大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 亦都會有大會消息一同公佈!大家記得留意喇! APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook 專頁: facebook.com/neardapp _______________________ TOYSOUL 2020 ticket sales details (A) "TOYSOUL 2020" will be held on 13th December 2020 at KITCE Rotunda 3, 6/F Last month, we received tons of fans asking about the details for ticketing. This year we have 2 types of ticket, including full day and half day ticket. Please pay attention to the following arrangements. Pre-sale Full Day Ticket starting from 13th November to 12th December 2020 Pre-sale Full Day Ticket Price: HKD 180 Walk-in Full Day Ticket Price: HKD 250 "Superman Toys " will be our sole ticket distributor for TOYSOUL 2020. General admission ticket pre-sale will be available in their shop starting from 13th November. There is a chance to get a free Labubu with those who is holding a full day ticket. . Here are the details: Pre-sale Full Day admission ticket: HKD 180 (No purchase limit) **Only "Superman Toys " full day ticket holder can join the free labubu event. ** **Only one time draw per, ticket, the prize will be in random colors. ** **All products from the bundle pack must be picked up at TOYSOUL 2020 Booth. ** ** Full day ticket holder can visit the organizer’s booth which is located near the exit of the venue, to draw an entry gift by presenting their ticket. **Free entry for children aged 11 or below, but participating in any lottery section is prohibited. ** **Tickets and gifts are limited and stock status will not be announced, so please stay tuned** Superman Toys Address: Room 222, 2/F, 1N Siu Wan Centre, Sai Yeung Choi South Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon. Page: facebook.com/Superman-Toys-268034876568111 —————————————————————— On the event day 13th December, we are also selling 2 types of tickets at the entrance of the event. Event Day: 13th December 2020 Walk-in Half Day Ticket Price: HKD 40 Walk-in Full Day Ticket Price: HKD 250 Please pay attention for Half Day Ticket holder!!!! Entering venue after 3:00 of the day and cannot join the organizer’s booth lottery lucky draw event with half day ticket. **Half Day Ticket only available at the entrance of the event **Free entry for children aged 11 or below, but participating in any lottery section is prohibited. ** **The gifts are not for sales and limited** **Tickets are limited and stock status will not be announced, so please stay tuned. ** Follow the latest news of TOYSOUL, download nearD App and chat interact with others👉 APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook page: facebook.com/neardapp #TOYSOUL #TOYSOUL2020 #TOYSOULHK #亞洲玩具展 #SupermanToys #Price #neard #toy #figure #designertoy #arttoy #softvinyltoy #collection #toyexhibition #exhibition #KITEC #comingsoon
大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 贊助 TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展🎈 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」入場門票購票詳情公告 (二) 為了可以方便各個不同地區的玩具迷, 我們今年再次聯同Price.com合作。今年「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」全日票的預售除了在「Superman Toys 超人玩具」實體店售賣外,亦推出將於Price.com.hk的網頁及APP發售,同樣於11月13號開售。🥳🥳🥳 Price.com 全日票預售日期:11月13日至12月12日 網址: price.com.hk/ec-product-detail.php?list_id=&ecpid=234088 ISO: apps.apple.com/hk/app/price-com-hk/id455201798?ign-mpt=uo=4 Google Play: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=networld.price.app **留意** 如果在Price.com.hk購買的門票,將會即時收到信息及QR Code, 請緊記不要刪除任何購買記錄,利用兌換碼入場後再憑據可以到TOYSOUL 大會攤位換領精美票尾作留念。 ------------------------------------- 實體全日門票發售: Superman Toys 超人玩具 地址:九龍旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心二樓 222 室 專頁:facebook.com/Superman-Toys-268034876568111 -------------------------------------- ToySoul 2020亞洲玩具展 日期:12月13日 (日) 活動時間:10:00 – 19:00 地點:九龍灣國際展貿Rotunda 3 (六樓) 大會指定社交聊天APP NearD 亦都會有大會消息一同公佈!大家記得留意喇! APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook 專頁: facebook.com/neardapp ———————————————————————— TOYSOUL 2020 ticket sales details (B) This year we will cooperate with Price.com again. Virtual Tickets selling will be available at website & APP of Price.com.hk. Print Tickets will be available at the "Superman Toys " selling available from 13th November.🥳🥳🥳 Price.com.hk Pre-sale Full Day Ticket starting from 13th November to 12th December 2020 Website: price.com.hk/ec-product-detail.php?list_id=&ecpid=234088 ISO: apps.apple.com/hk/app/price-com-hk/id455201798?ign-mpt=uo=4 Google Play: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=networld.price.app **Please Note** Once you purchased tickets at Price.com.hk, you will receive message with QR code immediately. Please remember not to delete any purchase records. After entering the venue with the redemption code, you can go to the TOYSOUL booth to redeem the printed ticket. ----------------------------------------- Pre-sale Full Day Ticket Superman Toys Address: Room 222, 2/F, 1N Siu Wan Centre, Sai Yeung Choi South Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon. Page: facebook.com/Superman-Toys-268034876568111 ----------------------------------------- TOSYOUL 2020 Date: 13th December (Sun) Opening time: 10:00 – 19:00 Venue: Rotunda 3, 6th Floor, KITEC, Kowloon Bay Follow the latest news of TOYSOUL, download nearD App and chat interact with others👉 APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook page: facebook.com/neardapp #TOYSOUL #TOYSOUL2020 #TOYSOULHK #亞洲玩具展 #SupermanToys #Price #neard #toy #figure #designertoy #arttoy #softvinyltoy #collection #toyexhibition #exhibition #KITEC #comingsoon
大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 贊助 TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展🎈 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」入場全日門票今日正式發售!🎉🎉🎉 今期最備受注目玩具祭典 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」全日門票今日正式發售。各位潮玩玩具迷於今日可以到「Superman Toys 超人玩具」購買全日門票外及於Price.com.hk的網頁或APP,亦可購買全日門票。 鑒於不少玩具迷查詢有關於「Superman Toys 超人玩具 」購買全日門票事宜,在此再補充多少少資訊給各位: 於「Superman Toys 超人玩具 」購買全日門票後是可立即獲贈Labubu Gums series一隻(非賣品, 尺寸約3.5 x 2 cm) **注意: 顏色隨機不可更換。 !!不過提醒各位,門票及贈品數量有限,售完即止,敬請留意!! Superman Toys 超人玩具 地址:九龍旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心二樓 222 室 專頁:facebook.com/Superman-Toys-268034876568111 Price.com.hk 網址:price.com.hk/ec-product-detail.php?ecpid=240119 ----------------------------------- TOYSOUL 2020亞洲玩具展 日期:12月13日 (日) 活動時間:10:00 – 19:00 地點:九龍灣國際展貿Rotunda 3 (六樓) 現場半日票售價:HKD 40 全日票早鳥優惠:HKD 180 現場全日票售價:HKD 250 門票詳細請參閱👉 facebook.com/toysoulhk/posts/3537747392986509 大會指定社交聊天APP NearD 亦都會有大會消息一同公佈!大家記得留意喇! APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook 專頁: facebook.com/neardapp ________________________ Are you Ready?! Full Day Print Tickets will available at the "Superman Toys " and also Full Day Virtual Tickets available at website & APP of Price.com.hk. starting from today!!🎉🎉🎉 Since we received some of fans asking about the details of full day ticket at "Superman Toys ". Let us reply now. Once you buy a full day ticket at "Superman Toys ", that will have a chance to get a Labubu Gums Series at the shop (not for sales, size around 3.5 x 2cm ) **Please noted: The Labubu will be in random colors **Please noted Tickets and the gift are limited and stock status will not be announced Superman Toys 超人玩具 Address: Room 222, 2/F, 1N Siu Wan Centre, Sai Yeung Choi South Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon. Page: facebook.com/Superman-Toys-268034876568111 Price.com.hk Website: price.com.hk/ec-product-detail.php?ecpid=240119 ----------------------------------- TOSYOUL 2020 Date: 13th December (Sun) Opening time: 10:00 – 19:00 Venue: Rotunda 3, 6th Floor, KITEC, Kowloon Bay Walk-in Half Day Ticket Price: HKD 40 Pre-sale Full Day Ticket Price: HKD 180 Walk-in Full Day Ticket Price: HKD 250 More details of the tickets 👉 facebook.com/toysoulhk/posts/3537747392986509 Follow the latest news of TOYSOUL, download nearD App and chat interact with others👉 APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook page: facebook.com/neardapp #TOYSOUL #TOYSOUL2020 #TOYSOULHK #亞洲玩具展 #SupermanToys #Price #neard #toy #figure #designertoy #arttoy #softvinyltoy #collection #toyexhibition #exhibition #KITEC #comingsoon
TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展 全日門票今日正式發售!🥳 千呼萬喚嘅玩具祭典 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」全日門票正式開始發售。各位潮玩玩具迷今日可以上 Price.com.hk 購買全日門票 📣 傳送門 👉 bit.ly/Toysoul_ticket 另外,即日起前往「Superman Toys 超人玩具」售票點購買全日門票,即獲贈Labubu Gums series 一隻* 😍 非賣品,極具收藏價值! 最想抽到咩顏色?即上TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展官方群組同其他玩具迷交流啦 📲💬 neard.com/groups/408 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」 日期:2020年12月13日 (日) 活動時間:10:00 – 19:00 地點:九龍灣國際展貿Rotunda 3 (六樓) 現場半日票售價:HKD 40 全日票早鳥優惠:HKD 180 現場全日票售價:HKD 250 *門票及贈品數量有限,售完即止。贈品顏色隨機發放,不可更換。 #nearDHK #TOYSOUL #TOYSOUL2020 #TOYSOULHK #亞洲玩具展 #SupermanToys_hk #Price #neard #toy #figure #designertoy #arttoy #softvinyltoy #collection #toyexhibition #exhibition #KITEC #comingsoon
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在2014年,我們在香港舉辦了首届「亞洲玩具展」TOYSOUL。在五年間,無論參展商及入場人數都一直屢創新高。TOYSOUL「亞洲玩具展」是一個以展示各款玩具新作丶潮流玩意及原創玩具的大型玩具展銷會。除了香港的展商外,更有來自中國大陸、澳門、台灣、日本、韓國、泰國等參展單位。當中展出及發售的製品包括不同比例的收藏人偶、原創玩具丶插畫創作丶電玩遊戲、周邊商品丶技術展示以及各種潮流產物等等。 TOYSOUL「亞洲玩具展」不單是香港的年度盛事,也是亞洲區其中一個具有指標性及具影響力的玩具展覽會。
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