大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 贊助 TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展🎈 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」入場全日門票今日正式發售!🎉🎉🎉 今期最備受注目玩具祭典 「TOYSOUL 2020 亞洲玩具展」全日門票今日正式發售。各位潮玩玩具迷於今日可以到「Superman Toys 超人玩具」購買全日門票外及於Price.com.hk的網頁或APP,亦可購買全日門票。 鑒於不少玩具迷查詢有關於「Superman Toys 超人玩具 」購買全日門票事宜,在此再補充多少少資訊給各位: 於「Superman Toys 超人玩具 」購買全日門票後是可立即獲贈Labubu Gums series一隻(非賣品, 尺寸約3.5 x 2 cm) **注意: 顏色隨機不可更換。 !!不過提醒各位,門票及贈品數量有限,售完即止,敬請留意!! Superman Toys 超人玩具 地址:九龍旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心二樓 222 室 專頁:facebook.com/Superman-Toys-268034876568111 Price.com.hk 網址:price.com.hk/ec-product-detail.php?ecpid=240119 ----------------------------------- TOYSOUL 2020亞洲玩具展 日期:12月13日 (日) 活動時間:10:00 – 19:00 地點:九龍灣國際展貿Rotunda 3 (六樓) 現場半日票售價:HKD 40 全日票早鳥優惠:HKD 180 現場全日票售價:HKD 250 門票詳細請參閱👉 facebook.com/toysoulhk/posts/3537747392986509 大會指定社交聊天APP NearD 亦都會有大會消息一同公佈!大家記得留意喇! APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook 專頁: facebook.com/neardapp ________________________ Are you Ready?! Full Day Print Tickets will available at the "Superman Toys " and also Full Day Virtual Tickets available at website & APP of Price.com.hk. starting from today!!🎉🎉🎉 Since we received some of fans asking about the details of full day ticket at "Superman Toys ". Let us reply now. Once you buy a full day ticket at "Superman Toys ", that will have a chance to get a Labubu Gums Series at the shop (not for sales, size around 3.5 x 2cm ) **Please noted: The Labubu will be in random colors **Please noted Tickets and the gift are limited and stock status will not be announced Superman Toys 超人玩具 Address: Room 222, 2/F, 1N Siu Wan Centre, Sai Yeung Choi South Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon. Page: facebook.com/Superman-Toys-268034876568111 Price.com.hk Website: price.com.hk/ec-product-detail.php?ecpid=240119 ----------------------------------- TOSYOUL 2020 Date: 13th December (Sun) Opening time: 10:00 – 19:00 Venue: Rotunda 3, 6th Floor, KITEC, Kowloon Bay Walk-in Half Day Ticket Price: HKD 40 Pre-sale Full Day Ticket Price: HKD 180 Walk-in Full Day Ticket Price: HKD 250 More details of the tickets 👉 facebook.com/toysoulhk/posts/3537747392986509 Follow the latest news of TOYSOUL, download nearD App and chat interact with others👉 APP Link: neard.com/groups/408 Facebook page: facebook.com/neardapp #TOYSOUL #TOYSOUL2020 #TOYSOULHK #亞洲玩具展 #SupermanToys #Price #neard #toy #figure #designertoy #arttoy #softvinyltoy #collection #toyexhibition #exhibition #KITEC #comingsoon