

Squealer said, ‘It has come to my knowledge that a foolish and wicked rumour is being circulated. Some of you noticed that the van which took Boxer away was marked "Horse Slaughterer" and immediately jumped to the conclusion that Boxer was sent to the knackers.’ 然後Squealer回應社會上的謠言:「最近有一個愚蠢並且惡毒的謠言。有人看到獸醫車身上寫作『馬匹屠場』,就以為我們把Boxer送到屠夫之手。」 “It is almost unbelievable that any of you could be so stupid. Surely you know our beloved Leader, Comrade Napoleon, better than that? But the explanation was really very simple. The van was previously the property of the knacker, and was bought by the veterinary surgeon, who have not yet painted the old name out. That is how the mistake has arisen." 「那怎麼可能是真的呢?」Squealer豬倒抽一口涼氣。「你們太不了解我們偉大的領袖Napoleon豬了。實情是,獸醫的車,是剛從屠場購買的,只是未有時間把舊公司商標抹去。就是這樣簡單。」 The animals were enormously relieved to hear this. And when Squealer went on to give further graphic details of Boxer's death bed, the admirable care he had received, and the expensive medicines for which Napoleon had paid without a thought as to the cost, their last doubts disappeared and the sorrow that they felt for the comrade's death was tempered by the thought that at least he had died happy. 大家聽到Squealer豬的解釋,都鬆了一口氣。然後Squealer繪影繪聲地描述Boxer在病床的日子、獸醫無微不至的照顧、和領袖Napoleon豬如何慷慨為Boxer付醫療費。大家都相信了,而且感到一絲安慰:至少Boxer在最後的日子,沒有受苦。 #蕭叔叔英式英文學會

A few days later, a grocer’s van drove up from Willingdon and delivered a large wooden crate at the farmhouse. That night there was the sound of uproarious singing and a tremendous crash of glass. No one stirred in the farmhouse before noon on the following day. And the word went round that from somewhere or other the pigs had acquired the money to buy themselves another case of whisky. 幾天之後,有貨車從Willingdon鎮送來一個木箱。晚上,豬豬住的農舍傳來觥籌交錯之聲,直到天明。有人說,動物農莊的豬豬最近得到了一筆錢,又買了一箱威士忌。 #蕭叔叔英式英文學會



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