Management meeting for team development💪🏻💪🏻 #AIAHK #1299 #CHALLENGEFAMILY #CLCONFIDENCE #CLMH

Management meeting for team development💪🏻💪🏻 #AIAHK #1299 #CHALLENGEFAMILY #CLCONFIDENCE #CLMH
Part-Time Secretary 👩🏻💼 WANTED Target prospects: Local/IANG UG Yr1/Yr2 students Routine tasks: Ad/Hoc clerical & admin duties assigned by manager Market research & analysis projects assigned by manager Monthly in-house internship & outdoor casual relationship building activities assistance (if necessary) Availability: at least 2 days or above (from Mon to Fri) Salary: hourly paid + performance bonus Any candidates are interested, please PM me directly😉 #兼職 #在職大學生搵工 #90後搵工 #00後搵工 #彈性工作時間 #友邦香港 #挑戰家族 #自信區 #parttime #undergraduates #flexibleworkingtime #AIAHK #challengefamily #confidencedistrict #CL-MH
2020年度嘅成績表終於出嚟🎊 首先衷心感謝過去一直支持我、信任我、包容我嘅親戚屋企人、兄弟朋友、知己好友、團隊嘅兄弟姐妹,特別係我嘅秘書同recruitment assistant~你哋都辛苦啦🙏🏻 遺憾地上年嘅成績係18,000多位同事中, 未能登上個人及團隊業績、招募業績嘅Top 10🙇🏻♂️證明咗公司幾百位經理都超級厲害😆 雖然未能再次踏上頒獎台,但係衷心感謝你哋每一位過去曾經鼓勵我、比心靈雞湯我飲嘅客人同好朋友🙏🏻🙏🏻 先天嘅優勢我100%完全冇,今年以300%勤力做好呢一年~特別係Q1第一季度💪🏻💪🏻帶領兄弟姐妹重奪Top 10🏆 *感謝核保嘅兄弟,幫我特別處理這呢份重疾和嚴重傳染病嘅保單~順利批出✌🏻 **溫馨提示: 1. 投保人過去曾經是Covid-19的病患者,申請有機會被postpone/defer一年先會獲公司考慮(每個case會有唔同嘅核保結果) 2. 若投保人過去14天曾被列為密切接觸者,需要提供approved醫院或診所陰性報告作參考 #友邦香港 #挑戰家族 #自信區 #AIAHK #ChallengeFamily #ConfidenceDistrict #CL-MH
Ride the winds & break the waves 🌊 As an agency leader, it likes a bus driver, throughout the journey, there are always people who come and go. I am especially grateful for the companions who sat next to my driver's seat, there were joyful moments, experiences and stories that we shared along the way. But regardless, we stick together❤️ I already lost count of the birthdays and anniversaries that we celebrated together, but I’m positive that we will continue to celebrate more milestones together in the future! 🤝❤️ #AIAHK #1299 #CHALLENGEFAMILY #CONFIDENCEDISTRICT #CL-MH
Part-Time Secretary/PA👩🏻💼 WANTED Target prospects: Yr1/Yr2/Yr3 students, working mom, SLASH, aircrew Routine tasks: 1.Ad/Hoc clerical & admin duties assigned by manager 2.Market research & analysis projects assigned by manager 3.Monthly in-house internship & outdoor casual relationship building activities assistance (if necessary) 4.Follow up personal & corporate client’s enquiries in regards of claims, after sales service Availability: in June Salary: hourly paid + performance bonus Interested candidates please PM me directly😉 #兼職 #在職大學生搵工 #90後搵工 #00後搵工 #彈性工作時間 #友邦香港 #挑戰家族 #自信區 #parttime #undergraduates #flexibleworkingtime #slash #workingmom #aircrew #AIAHK #challengefamily #confidencedistrict #CL-MH
Time flies~~~ #halfyearclosing #aiahongkong #challengefamily
朝早同何詩蓓打完氣,之後再做完兩個interviews~繼續每日恆常嘅工作👨🏻💻永遠喺妳哋面前遮風擋雨✌🏻 #AIAHK #ChallengeFamily #ConfidenceDistrict #CL-MH #Internship #AIAEDP #AIAPA
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