多謝你嘅信任🙇🏻♂️🙇🏻♂️ #人夫 #投資相連壽險 #AIAHK #1299

多謝你嘅信任🙇🏻♂️🙇🏻♂️ #人夫 #投資相連壽險 #AIAHK #1299
多謝你嘅信任🙇🏻♂️🙇🏻♂️ #人夫 #投資相連壽險 #AIAHK #1299
Internship Program Batch 30 #挑戰家族 #CL-CONFIDENCE #CL-MH #AIAHK #1299
朝早負責半日實習生領袖計劃,下午隨即幫客戶好友開派息基金戶口~ 把握機會,唔怕未來5年同人比下去😉一齊錢搵錢Mannix老大💪🏻 #牛氣沖天 #投連盛世 #卓越平台嚴選基金 #AIAHK #1299
WoW~🤩🤩有金收👏🏻 #投連盛世 #牛氣沖天 #香港友邦 #1299
2020年第四季投資相連壽險挑戰賽 - 足金金牛 x 2 (first runner up) 多謝你哋嘅信任同支持😆 牛年大家一齊牛氣沖天 #wealthmanagement #portfoliomanagement #SFC認可超過10000隻基金下嚴選100隻優質基金 #智能化基金管理系統 #1299 #aiahongkong
Boy’s Night 再同一班出生入死嘅好兄弟聚一聚🙌🏻 難忘嘅佛跳牆,差唔多半年冇食過😋 #兄弟情 #挑戰家族 #自信區 #CL-MH #AIAHK #友邦香港 #1299
MDRT Virtual Day kicks-off🎉🎉 #友邦香港 #百年基業 #1299 #挑戰家族 #自信區 #CL-MH
Ride the winds & break the waves 🌊 As an agency leader, it likes a bus driver, throughout the journey, there are always people who come and go. I am especially grateful for the companions who sat next to my driver's seat, there were joyful moments, experiences and stories that we shared along the way. But regardless, we stick together❤️ I already lost count of the birthdays and anniversaries that we celebrated together, but I’m positive that we will continue to celebrate more milestones together in the future! 🤝❤️ #AIAHK #1299 #CHALLENGEFAMILY #CONFIDENCEDISTRICT #CL-MH
Future Leader Internship Program See you all tomorrow 👩🏻🎓👨🏻🎓 @clmh.hk @cl.confidence #AIAHK #1299 #CHALLENGE_FAMILY #CL_CONFIDENCE #CL_MH #WEALTHMANAGEMENT #INVESTMENT #CORPORATEFINANCE
#北角 #銅鑼灣東 #鰂魚涌 #筲箕灣 #杏花邨 #柴灣 #小西灣
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