“The Three Ages” 壁畫名為《The Three Ages》,由西班牙街頭藝術家Bonrondo創作,意思是「上一代若遮住這一代的嘴,這一代將矇住下一代的眼」,寓意深遠,發人深省。 創作是自由的吶喊,是把我們的理念一代一代傳承下去。 This meaningful and thought-provoking piece called “The Three Ages” was created by Bonrondo, a Spanish artist. It represents that if the previous generation covered the mouth of this generation, this generation will cover the eyes of the next generation Design is the scream of freedom. It is how we pass on our everlasting ideologies. Source: gonzaloborondo.com/les-trois-ages Photo coverage by Jeromi Thomas #Painting #Bonrondo #Art #Freedom #Design #HKdesign #HKinteriordesign #MisterGloryLtd
