“回家的禱告” 一個二個三個四個。 一個都不容許跌墮。 五個六個七個八個。 鄉愁是病不是罪過。 九個十個十一二個。 只要年青已是過錯。 誰可告知誰可求助? 等待 #回家 終會渡過。 -閣地們的詩 One, two, three and four. Not even one should letting fall. Five, six, seven and eight. Home is a term shall not get sick. Nine, ten, eleven and twelve. Who’s gonna tell, who’s gonna help? We need you, to pray in unity, Bring them home, Bring Them Back safely! - KD Poem #Save12 #Save12HKYouths #BringThemBack