#鮮鳯梨生炒骨 🤤😋 mouth-watering sweet and sour pork ribs <🐽排骨 半斤 1/2k pork ribs> 生抽1湯匙 1 spoon soy sauce 鹽1/2茶匙 1/2 tsp salt 糖1茶匙 1 tsp sugar 生粉1湯匙 1 spoon cornstarch 雞蛋1隻 1 egg 粘米粉適量 rice flour <🧂Sauce 醬汁> 番茄醬3湯匙 3 spoons tomato sauce 白醋3湯匙 3 spoons white vinegar 糖3湯匙 3 spoons sugar 水8湯匙 8 spoons water 鹽1/2茶匙 1/2 tsp salt 生粉1湯匙加水 1 spoon cornstarch plus water ********************* 🍍鳯梨 適量 pineapples 蔥1棵 1 stalk green onion youtu.be/5p2_RbC33Es 1. 排骨醃1小時,同時準備醬汁及切鳯梨 marinate the ribs for one hour; meanwhile prepare sauce and cut the pineapple 2.排骨沾上蛋液後裹上粘米粉以中火煎至熟 mix the ribs with an egg, then rice flour and pan fried until done 3. 爆香蔥和鳯梨後加入醬汁,不停攪拌,試味看 看是否有調整後加入生粉水快速拌勻,加入排骨快炒至醬汁都掛在排骨上 pan fried the pineapples and spring onion, then add the sauce and keep stirring. Taste if it is right for you, then add the cornstarch solution. Add back the ribs and stir quickly until the sauce is sticked to the ribs #vcancook #sweetsourpork #生炒骨