#武肺 第三波疫情之下,出現第二宗巴士車長確診個案,雖然巴士公司好快就公佈咗肇事車長揸過嘅巴士車隊編號以及開車時間,但由於絕大部份乘客都唔會記錄低一日之中坐過乜車,所以搭過 #新巴 23 號嘅乘客可以話係人心惶惶。 今日例行記者會上,張竹君醫生回答記者提問時指出,市民每日外出時記低行程,可以方便衞生防護當局追蹤疫情。固然,若果乘客不幸染疫,記低咗嘅車程紀錄將會大大方便追蹤群組病例;而坐過有關巴士路綫但唔確定自己坐嗰班車係咪由染疫車長揸嘅乘客,將自己嘅乘車紀錄同巴士公司公佈嘅資料核對,亦都可以買個安心。 路綫編號同車牌號碼應該相對易睇到唔需要多講;至於城巴新巴之前公佈染疫車長揸過嘅「車身編號」或者「車身編號」係一組四位數字,通常會喺 (1) 車頭路綫牌周圍、(2) 上車門上面、(3) 上車後司機位右上角同埋 (4) 上層車頭報站機附近貼出黎。呢個 term 城巴新巴會用多啲,九巴龍運一般都會直接用車牌號碼。 A few days ago an NWFB bus captain serving Bus 23 was diagnosed with Wuhan coronavirus. While NWFB immediately made the details of vehicles and departures driven by the bus captain concerned public, many frequent passengers of the route feared that they came into close contact with him unknowingly, as most passengers would not bother to record the exact buses that they have taken. In the daily press briefing today, Dr Chuang Shuk-kwan from the Centre for Health Protection mentioned that a habit of maintaining a record of each journey would greatly facilitate pandemic tracking. Indeed, it would also allow passengers to check their daily commutes against the list of vehicles taken or driven by confirmed case patients.