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重訓的 #儀式感
#本地遊 這回事 我唔太喜歡去行山或者去離島,我選擇去書店
「起身呀!!不能倒下!!」 YOGA 其實就係邪教崇拜! #儀式 #儀式感
今日行過旺角……又見到呢兩條友……… #17LIVE
Japan's World and Mizuno to stop use of China's Xinjiang cotton Major Japanese apparel companies, including World and Mizuno, have decided to stop using Xinjiang cotton in response to allegations of human rights abuses by the Chinese government in the major cotton producing region, Nikkei has learned. Sports brand Mizuno and apparel companies World and Cox will not be buying Xinjiang cotton, the companies told Nikkei. Referring to the suspected human rights abuses of Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang, World's president, Nobuteru Suzuki, said: "Since there are such risks, we should not advertise and sell [Xinjiang cotton products] at this stage." Mizuno and Cox declined to comment on the reason for their decisions. Nikkei in early April began surveying 50 big listed companies in the apparel and sporting goods industries on the issue of sourcing from the western Chinese province. Thirty-seven companies had replied by Wednesday, of which 14 used Xinjiang cotton. Seven companies said they were "investigating" the issue. Their responses were given before it was reported that imports of Fast Retailing products had been blocked by U.S. customs authorities over their use of Xinjiang cotton. Underwear makers Wacoal Holdings and Charle, Muji brand owner Ryohin Keikaku and apparel maker Sanyo Shokai said they would continue using the contested material. They said they would stop transactions if the use of forced labor was confirmed. "We are doing our best on auditing, and stopping [the sourcing] without confirming [the situation] would affect local employment," a Ryohin Keikaku representative said. "We are using a larger volume of cotton produced in India and we would be able to continue our businesses even if we stop using Xinjiang cotton." Wacoal said: "We are asking our suppliers to ensure that there is no forced labor, as well as checking ourselves." Sanyo Shokai President Shinji Oe pointed out that "there is an aspect of cotton cultivation supporting local livelihoods. We would like to see what is the right thing to do in terms of corporate social responsibility." Clothing retailer Shimamura said it is temporarily suspending sourcing from Xinjiang. "We cannot visit the site and check the real situation," President Makoto Suzuki said. Shimamura staff used to visit Xinjiang regularly, but traveling has been difficult because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he said. Sock maker Tabio said it would "reduce the use" of Xinjiang cotton. Of the 14 companies that said they used Xinjiang cotton, five -- Daidoh Limited, Onward Holdings, Adastria, United Arrows and Aoki Holdings -- did not comment about how they were responding to the issue. Thirteen major companies, including Fast Retailing, Aoyama Trading, Asics, Descente and Gunze, did not respond to inquiries from Nikkei. China is the world's second-largest cotton producer. Xinjiang accounts for around 80% to 90% of the country's production. "It is difficult not to use Xinjiang cotton at all, because it is high quality for low cost," said one apparel company representative. Investors and consumers are increasingly interested in how companies handle the issue of human rights. U.S. investor organization ICCR has asked 47 companies suspected of benefiting from forced labor in Xinjiang, including Fast Retailing, to disclose details on their suppliers. Swedish apparel giant Hennes & Mauritz has announced it will no longer do business with Chinese companies that have factories in Xinjiang.
FUCK 🤣 🤣 🤣
SNEAKER POOL #抽鞋 互助 ---> 重點︰想要又要抽,就加 #抽鞋 其實 NIKE ADIDAS PUMA 定 NEW BALANCE,我諗大家都明白到要抽中鞋難過見到陳同佳去自首。 我同成班版主都傾過,點先可以令到大家可以買到自己想要嘅鞋呢? 由今日開始,如果有抽鞋 LINK,就放係同一個 POST 入面,短期頂置,等大家可以見到邊度有得抽。當然我哋都未必可以知道幾時有乜鞋抽,所以希望大家有時間見到有少咗冇 POST 嘅,都可以提下我哋。 如果 GROUP 友有鞋想要,可以係自己個 POST 入面加上「#抽鞋」 ,標明 SIZE,有 GROUP 友幫手抽,就可以增加抽中機會。至於交收價錢方面,就係 GROUP 友自己事啦,SNEAKER POOL 係唔會參與其中。 希望大家可以一齊做大個 POOL,大家都可以買到自己想要嘅 SNEAKER。 THANKS ALL MAR 12, 2020 T.
#油麻地 #旺角 #太子 #尖沙咀 #尖沙嘴 #油尖旺 #大角咀 ❤️❤️❤️
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