New South Wales
New South Wales
New South Wales
澳洲山火仍然持續,這場無情之火取去不少市民及動物的性命,但有一樣東西並不能取去的,就是當地消防員及義工全力救災的心。早前悉尼歌劇院 Sydney Opera House 的 Facebook 更特別出 post 分享一個埸面感人的亮燈投影(見大圖),就是希望藉這次投影,答謝消防員及義工這段時間的付出。 早前悉尼歌劇院 Sydney Opera House 的 FB 出 post 分享感人亮燈投影,可見消防員及義工全力救災的一面,望以傳遞愛與希望,撫慰廣大澳洲市民的傷痛。當然,現時澳洲山火仍未完結,澳洲總理莫里森亦首次承認山火處理問題有不足及遺憾,可以做得更好,不過一眾消防員及義工相信會盡全力撲災,阻止澳洲這片樂土被無情之火侵佔。
It looked practically apocalyptic Down Under as women tussled over toilet paper. Viral video shows three women in a wild fight in an Australian store — sparked by a mother and her daughter hoarding toilet paper amid panic over the coronavirus. “I just want one pack!” demanded one woman as she confronted the pair who had a shopping trolley piled high with bathroom supplies in a Woolworths in western Sydney. “No — not one pack,” the 60-year-old mother of the pair said sternly in the video viewed more than 200,000 times after being tweeted Saturday by 9News. The trio had been seen grabbing each other, trading blows, then blaming each other for starting Saturday’s brawl “Are you joking? Are you f—ing joking?” one woman was heard asking after onlookers helped break apart the fight, with a staff member telling them, “Look what you’re doing. You’re fighting over tissues.” The video sparked disgust — and much mirth — online. “Imagine what would happen in an actual apocalypse,” Mr. Gaanz asked in reply, while Cleetus Van Damme said, “We’ll discover a cure for coronavirus before a cure for stupid.” Police later told 9News that the mom and her 23-year-old daughter were both criminally charged. A 49-year-old woman also involved spoke to police but was not charged, the station said, describing her as the victim but saying she was not injured. She appears to have been in the right, too — with Woolworths saying it had a four-pack limit on toilet paper amid a national shortage sparked by frenzied panic buying over fears of lengthy quarantines to come. “It’s just bad behavior by people that are panicking, and there’s no need for that panic,” acting Inspector Andrew New told 9News. “It’s not the Thunderdome. It’s not Mad Max. We don’t need to do that.” Woolworths told the station it was working with the police. “We will not tolerate violence of any kind from our customers in our stores,” a spokesperson said. Video: nypost.com/2020/03/08/women-fight-over-toilet-paper-during-coronavirus-panic-buying-in-australia
Drinkers rushed to bottle shops around Australia on Sunday fearing a coronavirus lockdown, before the Prime Minister confirmed liquor stores would stay open. Shoppers packed Dan Murphy's stores across the country after officials in Victoria and NSW announced the pending shutdown of non-essential services. Twitter was awash with pictures of the panic queues both at the drive-thrus and in stores. 'Chaos at Dan Murphy's on the northern beaches, goodbye toilet roll hello booze,' said one person on Twitter. One local bottle shop owner in Sydney said he had done three weeks worth of trading in two hours on Sunday. Staff at a small bottle-o in Sydney's east told Daily Mail Australia Sunday's sales were like Christmas. 'It's been crazy. We've done about $50,000 for the day. With the beaches closing and the uncertainly [surrounding lockdown], the locals have come in numbers we haven't seen since last Christmas Eve,' they said. But the Prime Minister brought sweet relief late on Sunday when he confirmed liquor stores would not be closed. Only the licensed premises and gathering areas of pubs, clubs and hotels will shut as of noon on Monday. 'There will be a lot of relieved people sleeping a lot better tonight knowing that lockdown with their loved ones will not need to be endured completely sober. Thankyou,' a punter wrote on Dan Murphy's Facebook page. Thousands of anxious Australians had earlier questioned whether bottle shops would stay open in Melbourne and Sydney. 'Urgent clarification required: are bottle shops considered an essential service?,' tweeted one man. 'Bottle shops are essential for keeping the peace,' added another. Not only will bottle shops stay open, but home delivery alcohol services such as Jimmy Brings will operate as usual. But all gatherings in enclosed spaces in licensed clubs, pubs, bars, hotels and casinos must cease as of noon. Hotels and pubs will not have to close their accommodation areas, only their licensed areas and gathering areas, the Prime Minister said. Bottle shops that are off-license and not used for gatherings will remain open. Restaurants and cafes must close their indoor areas but can still sell takeaway and delivery food. The Prime Minister reminded people not to panic buy or break the social distancing rules in shops. 'I would simply ask Australians to be calm and exercise some sensible judgement,' he said. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8139727/Chaos-bottle-shops-drinkers-rush-alcohol-PM-confirms-liquor-stores-stay-OPEN.html
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