#richardmille #watchporn #rm27

#richardmille #watchporn #rm27
#richardmille #watchporn #rm27
Rafael Nadal RM 27-03在鐘錶結構方面證明了材料方面的創新。 QuartzTPT®️外殼的醒目的紅色和黃色色調向拉法的故鄉西班牙致敬,而上部的骨架橋則讓人聯想到公牛的前腦。 這種動物是西班牙的象徵,也是納達爾的精選標誌。 這款非凡腕錶的主要創新之處在於陀飛輪機芯能夠承受高達10,000克的衝擊。 通過多年的研發和無數小時的測試,尤其是「擺錘衝擊測試」,可以達到這個新的閾值,該「擺錘衝擊測試」模擬了由於突然運動或對佩戴者的衝擊而產生的線性加速度。腕間佩戴的RM27-03陀飛輪腕錶,絕對是他獲得桂冠的最佳夥伴。在美網公開賽上,這枚展現王者風範的腕錶再次吸引眾人的目光,幾乎堅不可摧。零件經精確計算後精簡到輕若無物的重量感,微米級的精確度、70個小時的持久動力,這些超卓性能,讓RM 27-03陪伴冠軍徵戰賽場。 #rm27 #richardmille #watchporn
RM27-04 #watchporn #richardmille #RM27
Positioned diagonally, the RM27-04 calibre is connected to the mesh by five grade 5 polished titanium hooks coated in 5N gold PVD. With its new suspended architecture and dampeners, the RM 27-04 can absorb shocks of around 12,000 g’s: a new benchmark in watchmaking. #watchporn #richardmille #RM27
RM27-3 #watchporn #richardmille #RM27
RM 027 - the first version which Rafael Nadal worn for the competition, which in prototypes, he has broken at least 12 before the masterpiece is ready. Definitely a legendary piece and look how far this model has come! #watchporn #richardmille #rm27
RM027 black #RM27 #BLACK #watchporn #richardmille
brand new 27-04 #RM27 #watchporn #richardmille
Shades of Grey Richard Mille 27-01 Rafa Nadal Tourbillon #RM27 #Tourbillon #watchporn #richardmille #GREY
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