

孩子們正在叢林中參加考試。Children are taking exams in the jungles of Hpa-pun, Karen State. You can see the struggle and oppression faced by the Karen people in this picture. At the same time you can also see how resilient and strong spirited Karen people are. 孩子們正在卡倫州Hpa-pun的叢林中參加考試。 在這張照片中,您可以看到卡倫人民所面臨的鬥爭和壓迫。 同時,您還可以看到Karen人民富有韌性和堅強精神。 ( by google translate ) #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #緬甸 #緬甸示威 #PrayForMyanmar ( 🇲🇲 #HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar #請聽緬甸的聽音 🇲🇲 )

🇲🇲 One night, more than four hundred students disappeared and arrested 🙏🙏🙏 緬甸軍政府鎮壓持續。 一個晚上,超過四百個學生在仰光的Tamwe市失蹤,美其名是被拘捕,實質是被政權綁架,家屬、律師全部無法取得聯絡。 連被運去哪個警署都不得而知。 是否很似層相識? 悲劇一次又一次在極權下發生。當權者迷戀權力時,人命便成為他們的踏腳石。 不斷在這個Page發聲的原因很簡單--香港受到世界各國市民的鼓勵,得到他們的關注,令我們不致感到太孤單。 我們斷不能就此忘掉這些好意。 請持續關注。 The repression by the Burmese military government continued. One night, more than four hundred students disappeared in Tamwe City, Yangon. They were arrested in the better name but were actually kidnapped by the regime. Their families and lawyers were unable to get in touch. Even being transported to this police station is unknown. Is it very similar to each other ? Tragedies have occurred time and time again under totalitarianism. When people in power are obsessed with power, human life becomes their stepping stone. The reason why we keep vocalizing on this page is simple-Hong Kong is encouraged by citizens from all over the world and getting their attention, so that we don't feel too lonely. We can't just forget these kindnesses. Please stay tuned. ( by google translate ) #PrayForMyanmar 🙏🙏🙏 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar #SaveMyanmar #緬甸 #緬甸示威


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校園返學 那些事👩🏻‍🎓👨🏻‍🎓

👨🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓同學各位找個位🏫小學、中學、大專院校 升學面試、搵校友!少壯要努力!

校園返學 那些事👩🏻‍🎓👨🏻‍🎓


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