《Fm新生們!機會來了🏁》 呢個星期五4/9 12:00-18:00有一個叫OID嘅迎新活動,由學生事務處(SAO)舉辦,將會有唔同學生組織參與virtual booth環節,如果各位新生想認識佢地,就要把握機會,mark低個時間到時入去喇~詳情同online booth link請上SAO宣傳網站,或scan 本post尾頁QR code。 _ The chance has come! Orientation Info Day will be held this Friday 12:00-18:00 online. It is held by Student Affair Office, for freshman to know more about student associations and teams in PolyU. Check the details on SAO page or scan the QR code here. _ #萬眾期待 #OID #OrientationInfoDay #Polyu instagram.com/p/CEoSdSABu-w