I got sunshine on my mind #mustang #ford #1967

I got sunshine on my mind #mustang #ford #1967
Ford MUSTANG GT #ford #mustang #carporn
1965 FORD MUSTANG #ford #mustang #shelby #gt500 #1965 #carporn
Old school. #mustang #ford #carporn
Carol Shelby was way ahead of his time on the racetrack with his Cobras and his involvement in GT40s for Ford. But how genius was his idea to build a hopped up Ford Mustang (the GT350) at his factory in LA? He got even crazier when he convinced the Hertz Corporation to buy 1,000 of these GT350s. This is one is the real deal and runs and sounds awesome. #mustang #ford #carporn
A beautiful 1969 Mustang, wearing candy apple red with brandywine stripes #carporn #MUSTANG #FORD
70's mustang that came into the shop for some love, all original interior and drivetrain #mustang #carporn #ford
'68 Mustang With a Twin Turbo Ferrari Engine! #carporn #ferrari #mustang
Ford 發表 2021 年式樣 Mustang Mach-E 全新性能版本 Ford 旗下電能車款 Mustang Mach-E 正式迎來全新 Performance Edition 別注車款,全車性能提升至 480 匹馬力和 634 lb-ft 扭矩,0 至 60 MPH 加速僅需 3.5 秒即可完成,搭配 88kWh 鋰離子電池組,官方宣稱續航里程遠達 235 英里。除此動力部分之外,包括換上了 20 英吋輪框、Pirelli Summer 車胎、帶有 Brembo 制動器的 19 英吋碟盤、MagneRide 懸吊系統、運動前座椅等其他配置亦有所優化。不過目前仍未有此車的確切發售消息公佈。 #Ford #2021 #Mustang #MachE
I Live My Life a Quarter Mile at a Time There's no "wax on wax off" with drifting. You learn by doing it. The first drifters invented drifting out here in the mountains by feeling it. So feel it. #CAR #CARPORN
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