說時遲那時快,英國《衛報》 、德國《南德意志報》和加拿大《環球郵報》已經刊登了香港人的公開信!大家可以在此先睹為快! 另外,很高興看見部分海外網民已購買刊登了眾籌廣告之報章,現我們誠邀各位發揮創意,「用自己方法」為相關報章拍照,並標注 #FreedomHK ,再發佈至各社交媒體。請把我們的聲音傳開去! Hongkongers’ open letter is published in UK's The Guardian, Germany's Süddeutsche Zeitung and Canada's The Globe and Mail! Check out the letter below! We are delighted to see some of our supporters with the actual letter in hand. Now we invite you to take a creative photo of the printed ad and tag #FreedomHK on different social media. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! #FreedomHK #antiELAB #G20