Lamborghini Countach 5000 Quattrovalvole #Lamborghini #Countach #Quattrovalvole #carporn

Lamborghini Countach 5000 Quattrovalvole #Lamborghini #Countach #Quattrovalvole #carporn
Lamborghini Countach S5000 QV #Lamborghini #Countach #S5000 #carporn
classic countach #lamborghini #countach #carporn
Lamborghini Countach #lamborghini #countach #carporn #red
Childhood favorite, the Lamborghini Countach. Notice the licence plate on the Aventador to the right. :) #Lamborghini #Countach #RED #carporn
I found this guy in an old garage in Costa Mesa. It was very red. #lamborghini #countach #red #carporn
That’s another kind of Countach! #countach #lamborghini #carporn #marlboro
三十幾年前嘅香港,超跑都仲未興嘅時候,但嗰陣陳惠敏就有香港第二部Lamborghini Countach。 #Lamborghini #Countach #陳惠敏
I Live My Life a Quarter Mile at a Time There's no "wax on wax off" with drifting. You learn by doing it. The first drifters invented drifting out here in the mountains by feeling it. So feel it. #CAR #CARPORN
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