While the new #400z being the rage I think it falls flat to capture the classic. #carporn #nissan #fairlady
While the new #400z being the rage I think it falls flat to capture the classic. #carporn #nissan #fairlady
Nissan 正式發表 400Z 全新前置車型 Z Proto 在 2021 年式樣 400Z 到來之前,同時也為慶祝 Z 系列 50 週年,Nissan 今回便率先揭曉了全新世代 Z Proto,從中能夠看到多處設計向過往經典致敬,包括從 300ZX 移植的頭燈、延伸至前保桿的車燈樣式及引擎蓋即是取樣自 240Z,大尺寸矩形格柵則讓人聯想到 350Z。動力部分則是搭載雙渦輪增壓 3.0 升 V6 引擎,搭配六速手排變速箱,400 匹馬力的強悍輸出或有可能與即將登場的 400Z 相同。 #carporn #nissan #ZPROTO #400Z
ew Nissan z proto or 400z on the roads What do you think of it? #carporn #nissan #400z
I Live My Life a Quarter Mile at a Time There's no "wax on wax off" with drifting. You learn by doing it. The first drifters invented drifting out here in the mountains by feeling it. So feel it. #CAR #CARPORN
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