「SUMMER SOUL 2021 參展單位」🎈 參展單位 – One Little Planet ==================== |相關資訊| Facebook: facebook.com/onelittleplanet Instagram: instagram.com/1littleplanet instagram.com/pohpoh.studio ==================== Amaz By Lokianno 地址:銅鑼灣百德新街53號 營業時間:星期一至日 12:00 - 20:00 門票預售日期:6月5日至7月17日 門票預售詳情: reurl.cc/YO812a ----------------------------- Summer Soul 2021 日期:7月18日 (星期日) 時間:10:00 – 19:00 地點:九龍灣國際展貿中心3樓展貿廳2 #Repost @pohpoh.studio with @make_repost ・・・ This is the first post I want to make around this year's Summer Soul. It's a special post because Poh 1 is coming back! When I first created Poh 1 I had no idea if people would like it so we only produced a super limited quantity; only very few people were able to get it. Now that we've grown thanks to you, I want to give everyone another chance at getting the classic Poh. For those who bought the original Poh 1, thank you so much for supporting me since day 1. And don't worry, your original Poh 1 is slightly different than the new Poh 1, so you can still proudly say you were there since the beginning! I'll let you find out where the difference is! There will be more info in the up coming weeks on what we will sell at Summer Soul this year. Thank you everyone and see you soon! #1littleplanet #pohpohstudio #poh #summersoul2021