Cort MBC-1是由韓國大廠Cort及英國名廠Manson Guitars聯名開發英國搖滾樂團Muse主音結他手Matt Bellamy的簽名款結他,並且此結他是由英國原廠製琴師駐場設計和進行量產監工,所以質量絕不馬虎。 Cort MBC-1 琴身為America Basswood ,Maple琴頸、Rosewood指板而琴頭Tuners是Cort製造的Locking Tuners可增加調音後的穩定性。 Pickups 是Manson Guitar 自家發開的,而琴身上搭載一個Kill Switch 和Z-VEX Fuzz Factory,前者可以製造斷音音效,而後者可讓樂手們控制feedback、製造更深層次的distortion和一些scratching effects。 #亂咁up #電結他 #樂隊 #香港 #繆斯 #音樂 Cort MBC-1 was developed Cort and Manson Guitars to develop the signature of the British rock band Muse lead guitarist Matt Bellamy, and this guitar was designed and by a Manson Guitars maker and mass production supervisors, so the quality is never sloppy. Cort MBC-1 is American Basswood body, Maple neck, Rosewood fretboard and Tuners are Locking Tuners made by Cort, which can increase the stability after tuning. Pickups were originally developed by Manson Guitar. This guitar is equipped with a Kill Switch and Z-VEX Fuzz Factory. The former can produce staccato sound effects, while the latter allows musicians to control feedback, create deeper distortion and some scratching effects. #cortmbc1 #mansonguitars #Guitar #eletricguitar #cort #zvexfuzzfactory #killswitch #Muse #MattBellamy #music #bands