18X往筲箕灣改經中環及灣仔繞道 Re-route via Central - Wan Chai Bypass to Shau Kei Wan 為配合乘客需求,由2020年9月6日星期日)起,上述路線往筲箕灣班次將調整行車路線,詳情如下: In order to satisfy passengers demand, with effect from 6 September 2020 (Sunday), there will be routeing alternation for Shau Kei Wan Bound of the captioned route. Details are as follows: 改道安排:於干諾道西後,改經干諾中、中環(港澳碼頭)總站、干諾道中改道安排 民吉街、中環及灣仔繞道、東區走廊後行回原有路線。 Diversion Arrangement: After Connaught Road West divert via Connaught Road Central,Central (Macau Ferry) Bus Terminus, Connaught Road Central, Man kat Street,Central - Wan Chai Bypass, Island Castern Corridor and then resume to original routeing. 巴士站安排 Bus Stops Arrangement 停用巴士站Suspended Bus Stops 1. 香港演藝學院,告士打道 The HK Academy for Performing Arts,Gloucester Road 2. 入境事務大樓,告士打道 新增巴士站 New Bus Stops 1. 中山紀念公園,干諾道西 Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park,Connaught Road West 2. 中環(港澳碼頭總站 Central (Macau Ferry) Bus Terminus (與路線18同站 Saimg slop 35 route 18) 原有由西區往告士打道之乘客可選乘18P線;由告士打道往東區之乘客則可選乘2、18、18P、720或722線。敬請留意。 Passengers traveling from Western District to Gloucester Road could take route 18P. Whilepassengers traveling from Gloucester could take route 2, 18, 18P, 720 or 722 to Island East. 服務詳情請參閱路線資料 Please refer route information for service details. 敬請留意 Thank you for your attention. #新巴18X #往筲箕灣改經中環及灣仔繞道