一齊學下打氣英文~~ #陪你抗疫 #打打氣 #學英文 1) 安慰同支持緊張、不安嘅朋友 You are doing very good now! Hang in there! You can soon make it! 你現在做得很好了,撐著啊!你很快就會成功做到了! No sweat! You should keep moving on! 不要緊張,你應該繼續前行! Just follow your heart and you will know what to do! 追隨你自己的中所想,然後你會知道應該怎樣做! 2) 肯定同鼓勵佢 Cool! I am so proud of you! 太厲害了!我為你感到自豪! Trust yourself! You can nail it! 相信自己!你一定可以做到的! This is your moment! Don’t let yourself regret about this! 這是屬於你的時刻,不要讓自己後悔! You need to have faith in yourself! Or else, nobody can save you! 你一定要相信自己,不然沒有人可以幫到你!