


係台灣網睇到:用PUZZLE MAT製作恐龍面具!! 呢個唔難整~~屋企D小朋友應該會好鍾意~~😍😍 twitter: アストロ温泉 @ASTROONSEN #停課不停學 #停課 #恐龍 #親子 #親子遊戲 #nearDIY

真龍化石,加拿大發現!是目前皮膚保存得最完好的龍類化石! #恐龍 Recently Discovered Dinosaur ‘Mummy’ Is So Well-Preserved It Even Has The Skin And Guts Intact Scientists are hailing it as the best-preserved dinosaur specimen ever discovered. That’s why you cannot see its bones – they remain covered by intact skin and armor. Found accidentally by miners in Canada, this fossilized nodosaur is more than 110 million years old, yet patterns are still visible on the skin. According to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Alberta, Canada, which recently unveiled the find, the dinosaur is so well-preserved that instead of a ‘fossil’, we could safely call it a ‘dinosaur mummy.’ The researchers examining the find were astounded at its nearly unprecedented level of preservation. The creature’s skin, armor, and even some of its guts were intact – something they’d never seen before. “You don’t need to use much imagination to reconstruct it; if you just squint your eyes a bit, you could almost believe it was sleeping,” one researcher said. Previously, only nodosaur skeletons have been discovered, which look like this: This dinosaur was built like a tank. A member of a newly discovered species called nodosaur, it was an enormous four-legged herbivore protected by a spiky, plated armor. It weighed approximately 3,000 pounds. To give you an idea of how intact the mummified nodosaur is: it still weighs 2,500 pounds! Although how the dinosaur mummy could remain so intact for so long remains somewhat of a mystery, researchers suggest that the nodosaur may have been swept away by a flooded river and carried out to sea, where it eventually sank to the ocean floor. As millions of years passed, minerals could have settled on the dinosaur’s armor and skin. This might help explain why the creature was preserved in such a lifelike form. Researchers have named the 5.5 metre (18-foot-long) nodosaur Borealopelta markmitchelli, in honour of Royal Tyrrell Museum technician Mark Mitchell, who spent over 7,000 hours carefully unearthing the fossil from its rocky grave. But how ‘lifelike’ is the specimen really? Well, apparently the preservation was so good that researchers were able to tell the dinosaur’s skin color by using mass spectrometry techniques to detect the actual pigments. This way they found out that the nodosaur’s coloring was a dark reddish brown on the top of the body – and lighter on the underside. Since this dinosaur was an herbivore, its skin color must have played a role in protecting it from the enormous carnivores present at the time. And the fact that we’re talking about a massive, heavily-armored dinosaur illustrates just how dangerous those predators must have been… The nodosaur was found by an unsuspecting excavator operator that uncovered the historic discovery while digging in an oil sands mine, according to the museum’s news release about the exhibit. 7,000 painstaking reconstruction hours later, the nodosaur was ready to meet the public. As if the preservation of skin, armor, and guts weren’t impressive enough, the dinosaur mummy is also unique in that it was preserved in three dimensions, with the original shape of the animal retained.

#恐龍 #視覺錯覺 #錯覺圖

仲有呢隻,哈哈哈! 好彩無甩色 #倒及牙 #恐龍 #扭蛋

#2020商場聖誕裝飾#星語心願帶你遊​ ​ 第2站美麗華商場 Mira Place 🦖SANTA CLAWS🦕恐龍聖誕派對 🎄​ ​ 男仔最愛恐龍 流星雨都唔例外🙈​ 今次Mira Place 仲要有日本超人氣扭蛋戽斗恐龍🤩梗係要帶流星雨去打卡🎉 戽斗恐龍全部都換上聖誕新裝同大家開聖誕派對🥳​ ​ 一入美麗華商場一期正門就已經會見到恐龍同恐龍蛋化石既打卡位🥚​ 可以行入去恐龍蛋影相📸️​ ​ 然後地下中庭嘅位置先係重點❣️​ 有3個互動體驗同打卡熱點​ ​ 互動體驗1️⃣:恐龍腳印地板👣​ 在走進恐龍世界、窺探戽斗恐龍日常生活可以同澡涼中既戽斗迅猛龍一起開派對🥳​ 只要踏上地板上嘅LED燈,燈就會隨着我哋嘅步伐變色,越移動得快,顏色變化愈多,小朋友們都玩得好開心😆​ ​ 互動體驗2️⃣:AR戽斗恐龍畫展🎨​ 戽斗恐龍外型搞鬼趣致,特設加入AR擴張實境技術的畫展區,小朋友可以近距離欣賞不同姿態既戽斗恐龍🦕​ 只要用手機掃描指定藝術畫作,AR戽斗恐龍隨即從照片中跳出來,最適合與小朋友一起尋找場內所有AR戽斗恐龍❤️​ ​ 互動體驗3️⃣:戽斗恐龍逃脫🏃🏻​ 場內有一隻戽斗暴龍神秘隱藏著同小朋友大玩捉迷藏​ 只要經過動態感應裝置,戽斗暴龍便會在突然出現將小朋友捉住🥶記得係戽斗暴龍發現前打卡🤣​ ​ 最後更有「CLAWS CRAZY TIME」恐龍燈影音樂匯演 每15分鐘就會上演🎼🎹​ 全場燈飾會隨著音樂閃爍 ✨戽斗恐龍亦會跟隨擺動 💃🏻一齊載歌載舞慶祝聖誕節🎄​ ​ ‼️免費登記成為Mira Place會員‼️​ 就可以用優惠積分換「戽斗恐龍」返屋企🥰​ ​ 「SANTA CLAWS」恐龍聖誕派對🦖🦕​ 📅日期:2020年11月11日至2021年1月1日​ 📍地點:尖沙咀Mira Place 美麗華廣場​ ​ ​ #商場聖誕佈置 #商場影相#星語心願帶你遊香港#聖誕裝飾 #聖誕佈置 #聖誕好去處#影相打卡 #週末好去處 #親子活動#拍拖#影相 #日本扭蛋 #男生最愛#恐龍 #dino #hkbloggers #kidsfoodblogger #momlife #親子 #parentsandkids#miraplace #戽斗恐龍 #xmas2020 #abovethelinepr ​ ​ =======================​ 🌐FB: 星語心願 Silver x Tasmine​ 📺IG: mo_cot​ 🎞 Youtube: 星語心願 Silver x Tasmine​ =======================


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歡迎一班鍾意小動物嘅朋友,一齊分享同傾偈。如果有咩問題,可以係度發問,大家一定幫到你。 溫馨提示:做個負責任主人,愛護小動物🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🐥🦉🐢


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