電檢玻璃心💔《 #理大圍城 》光碟被電檢處毀壞 多謝大家持續關注電檢處事件🙆🏻♂️ 昨日收到電檢處發出證明書之際,同時亦附上一份「理大碎片」。詢問之下,原來有電檢處員工在檢視工作期間,有意或無意損壞影意志呈上的DVD光碟。影意志同事極為震驚,畢竟申請電檢近20年從未遇過相似事件。此DVD光碟除了是部分申請文件外,更是導演團隊的財產之一。雖然電檢處同事立即補上一隻全新DVD,但電檢處並未有詳細提及事件發生的原因與經過,或作出任何正式書面回覆及道歉。 The Mysterious Broken Pieces of “Inside the Red Brick Wall” 💔 BIG THANKS to everyone who has been paying close attention to our episode with the OFNAA. Just thought we would share something peculiar that happened during our dealings with them yesterday. When we were collecting the long-overdue Certificate of Approval from them, what came along was an utterly shattered DVD of “Inside the Red Brick Wall”, labelled as “Broken Pieces of PolyU”. When asked about it, the staff claimed that they had “accidentally'' damaged it during their reviewing process. Shock doesn’t even begin to describe how we all felt at YEC, after all, it has never occurred in almost 20 years since our establishment. In all fairness, the OFNAA has replaced a brand new DVD for us, yet how the whole thing occurred was conveniently obscured. How spooky! #繼續CLS等大家都關注事件 #到底要點整先會爛到咁 #理大碎片真係電檢處自己寫 #理大碎片 #你唔想睇人地想睇 #Alexaplaypieceofmebybritney #Glassheart #bolixin #BrokenpiecesofPolyU #Unbreakmydisc