Quitting HK faster than Facebook and Google.. What are they trying to prove..? theverge.com/2020/7/7/21315637/tiktok-hong-kong-security-chinese-government-pompeo-us-ban
Quitting HK faster than Facebook and Google.. What are they trying to prove..? theverge.com/2020/7/7/21315637/tiktok-hong-kong-security-chinese-government-pompeo-us-ban
Nintendo Switch can be a pressure-sensitive drawing board?!
The end of all those Chinese phone brands' plan in India? China’s Oppo canceled the live online launch of its flagship smartphone in India on Wednesday after a border clash between the two countries that has renewed calls from local Indian trader groups to shun Chinese products. business.financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/oppo-cancels-live-online-phone-launch-in-india-amid-calls-to-boycott-chinese-goods-2
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