今日同大家講下英文既 stress in Verbs and Nouns (i) 喺英文入面,有d詞語可以用作名詞,亦可以當作動詞,但佢哋讀音會有分別,以下呢幾句句子入面有一隻字同時用作為verb 同 noun 你哋又識唔識讀呢? 1. What an insult! Please stop insulting Peter! 2. There’ll be an increase in this year’s tax rate. Food prices will increase by 10 % this year. 3. This Gucci handbag is a reject! It costs only $50!! Don’t keep rejecting guys! Give them a chance! 大家不妨喺chatroom讀下,過2日開估! #english #英文 #verb #noun #語言藝術 #語言偽術