#蒜泥白肉黃瓜卷 Pork belly with cucumber rolls 黃瓜2條 cucumber 五花肉1條 pork belly 薑3片 ginger pieces 米酒適量 cooking wine youtu.be/Ln_IxikeT0M <sauce> 辣椒醋 5湯匙 chilli vinegar 5 spoons 生抽1湯匙 soy sauce 1 spoon 魚露2湯匙 fish sauce 2 spoons 糖2湯匙 sugar 2 spoons 麻油2湯匙 sesame oil 2 spoons 蒜蓉3顆 minced garlic 食用水3湯匙 drinking water 3 spoons 蒜茜適量 coriander 1.五花肉連同薑及米酒以中火煮20-25分鐘,然後關火焗10分鐘。(切一半看看熟了沒有,如果還是粉紅色的話,再開火煮5分鐘後焗5分鐘。因為豬肉一定要全熟)同時準備醬汁試味再調整。 boil pork belly with ginger and wine for 20-25 mins, then turn off the heat and stay 10 more mins. (cut into halves to check if is cooked well, if it’s still pink, cook again for 5 mins and stay 5 more mins since the pork should cook well.) meanwhile prepare the sauce 2. 黃瓜中間切開,然後刨成大的薄片。肉是黃瓜的1/3-1/2長度。豬肉慢慢地小心儘可能切薄片。 cut the cucumber into halves, then shave into thin pieces. The length of meat=1/3-1/2 length of cucumber. Cut the pork belly as thin as possible carefully. 把豬肉片放在黃瓜片捲起來。(如果不是完美的整片薄豬肉片也沒關係,之後拼成適合的長度慢慢捲就可以) place the pork piece onto cucumber piece, then roll up. (It’s okay if the pork piece is not perfectly cut, just puzzle the pork which can fix the area of cucumber and roll up carefully 3.灑下芝麻和淋上醬汁 sprinkle sesame and put sauce