首先感謝各位對亞洲玩具展ToySoul 2019 的支持。鑑於近日香港情況,為確保展會順利舉行,以及考慮到各參展商及入場人士的安全,經與各方商討後,我們決定把2019年12月13日至15日於九龍灣國際展貿中心舉行的TOYSOUL 2019亞洲玩具展延期至明年2020年舉行。確實日期將會盡快公佈。 已購票人士,我們將會透過官方售票渠道,按購買門票時的價格全費退款。請已購門票人士直接發信息inbox到大會專頁(Facebook /微博),我們會盡快跟你們聯絡。如我們有進一步消息,將會透過官方各大社交平台公佈。對於是次安排,期望各方體諒,並繼續支持ToySoul亞洲玩具展。謝謝各位! First of all, thank you for all your support of the TOYSOUL 2019. In view of the recent situation in Hong Kong, in order to ensure the smooth running of the exhibition and the safety of all the exhibitors and visitors, we decided to postpone the exhibition to 2020. We will soon announce the exhibition date as soon as we confirm the new schedule. For those who have already purchased tickets, we will refund the full price at the price of the ticket purchase through the official ticket sales channels. Please inbox directly to TOYSOUL official page (Facebook / Weibo), we will contact you as soon as possible. For any update information of the event, it will be announced through the official social platforms. Once again, we thank you for your kind understanding and apologies for the inconvenience caused.