兼職電話推銷員(固定時薪) 職責: 解答現存客户一般查詢,推廣公司的產品和服務。 預約客戶會面 紀錄客戶資料 聯繫潛在客戶以開拓新商機 要求: 流利廣東話及基本英語 待人有禮 , 主動熱誠 簡單電腦文書處理(以中文為主) 工作亮點: 不設任何業績壓力,固定時薪 九龍灣甲級商場寫字樓工作 彈性工作時間 申請工作: goodjob.one/?p=100313 #goodjob #一份好工 #全職 #兼職 #請人 #招聘 #搵工 #九龍灣
兼職電話推銷員(固定時薪) 職責: 解答現存客户一般查詢,推廣公司的產品和服務。 預約客戶會面 紀錄客戶資料 聯繫潛在客戶以開拓新商機 要求: 流利廣東話及基本英語 待人有禮 , 主動熱誠 簡單電腦文書處理(以中文為主) 工作亮點: 不設任何業績壓力,固定時薪 九龍灣甲級商場寫字樓工作 彈性工作時間 申請工作: goodjob.one/?p=100313 #goodjob #一份好工 #全職 #兼職 #請人 #招聘 #搵工 #九龍灣
Senior Graphic And Web Designer – Trading / Factory Responsibilities: To work on Corporate Literature, Branding, Marketing Collateral, Press Campaigns and web sites. Generate creative ideas and prepare all related artworks and follow up for graphics design, printing, website, catalogues, posters, banners and leaflets; Support for both online and offline all marketing materials and events; Develop creative concept to design, structural drawing, artwork and the final output to meet business objectives Work closely with various parties from developing layout, output production and delivery; Carry out photo shooting, retouch and editing as required Other duties as assigned Requirements: Degree or above in Graphic Design or Visual Communications or equivalent At least 5 years’ relevant experience in working on Corporate and Marketing Literature, Brand identities, Press Campaigns and web sites Creative, details oriented and sensitive to current design trend Able to generate concepts and see them through to artwork and final production Dedicated, able to work independently and be a good team player Hardworking, able to work under pressure and tight schedule Good communication and presentation skillsProficient in MAC softwares including InDesign CS2/3, Illustrator CS2/3, Photoshop and Freehand etc. Good at using HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Flash Apply : bit.ly/3eSmXDA #goodjob #一份好工 #全職 #兼職 #招聘 #請人
業務拓展助理 職責: 實習如何使用電腦整理樓盤資料 熟讀各樓盤資訊及程序 視察/學習持牌地產代理及營業員實務工作, 如帶客睇樓流程及銷售樓盤技巧 要求: 中五學歷或以上程度 積極主動, 良好溝通技巧 具銷售經驗優先考慮 福利: 底薪 + 津貼 免費中原學院,培訓各專業知識 有薪年假及病假 婚假及恩恤假 強積金 醫療津貼 進修津貼 介紹新人獎金 僱員買樓/租樓免佣 員工購物優惠 Apply : bit.ly/3txWOxE #goodjob #一份好工 #全職 #兼職 #招聘 #請人
Office Assistant / Warehouse Clerk (5 Days Work) Our client is a trading company and they are looking for caliber candidates to apply their position: Responsibilities: Assist in administrative job Responsible for stockroom operations & organization Unpack samples and put them on the shelves Handle other office add-hoc jobs Good interpersonal and communication skills Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin Maintain storage room stock inventory Requirements: F.5 / DSE graduates At least 1 year working experience Good in English and Mandarin is an advantage Immediate available is prefer Apply : bit.ly/3eNRdiR #goodjob #一份好工 #全職 #兼職 #招聘 #請人
搵工,請人,全職,兼職,招聘。 禁止色情、借貸、犯法、快錢、無需工作經驗有幾百元時薪,可留比你的兄弟姊妹做,一律禁止刊登。
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