大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 贊助 TOYSOUL 亞洲玩具展🎈 【抽選販售】6週年TOYSOUL x Toyzeroplus 聯乘活動!作品『PP BABY Nightmare.TOYSOUL ver.』 今次活動為大家帶來的是Toyzeroplus旗下 - 身兼插畫師和紋身師的藝術家「AAAZ」的作品「 噩夢PP BABY」。當然PP BABY系列也是她創立的手作品牌「 AAA-Z」作品之一!! 戴著恐龍頭套及雙頰流著黑色和暗紅的眼淚,看起來外表凶狠的PP BABY樣子,配上給PP BABY可手拿尖利的鋸刀,再加上可愛的火精靈「火火大廈」等小配件,將為10月增添點可愛又不失恐怖的色彩。 『PP BABY Nightmare.TOYSOUL ver.』是同時結合可愛與恐怖元素作品, 喜歡玩具的你又怎能錯過今次機會!😆 「PP BABY Nightmare.TOYSOUL ver.」 共120隻 HKD 480 /隻 運費另計 *由於疫情情況影響,運輸可能會暫停或延期影響。 -------------------------------------------- 「PP BABY Nightmare.TOYSOUL ver.」參與抽選方法 <參加時限> 13/10(週二)19:30〜21:30 ※國際時間GMT+8 <透過電子郵件報名> 於10月13日(GMT+8)星期二19:30到21:30,我們將在Facebook,Instagram和微博上提供電郵地址。並在截止時間之前發電郵及填寫以下信息,電郵地址將於活動當日公佈 ***注意:得選後以下資料並不能更改, 請謹慎填寫。*** 郵件標題為“TOYSOUL – PPBABY” 聯絡人全名(中及英): 收貨地址: 郵政編號: 國家及地區: 聯絡電話: 付款方式:香港銀行匯款 或 PayPal *如選PayPal者需填寫PayPal Acc有效之電郵及當中需收取PayPal手續費 <獲獎者公告> 只會通過電子郵件通知得選者有關消息,落選者並不會收到個別通知。 <付款方式及期限> - 港幣付款 - 得選者於五天內會收到電郵確認及款單,當收到請款單後,請於三天時間完成款項及發回轉帳收據記錄。 **如未能提供轉帳收據,有機會被定為未付款及當放棄處理把得選權移交給下一位人士** <發貨時間> - 確認付款後,我們將盡快發貨。發貨成功後,我們會以Email通知得選者運單編號及發貨情況。 - 如果未在截止日期前付款,我們將取消該得選資格,及以後可會被拒絕參與TOYSOUL的抽選活動。 *由於疫情影響,運輸可能會暫停或延期影響。 <參與說明> - 每人申請一次。 - 如用重複電郵申請,將定為欺詐申請,會被取消參加活動資格 - 由於得選者將通過電子郵件宣布,因此請使用可以接收電子郵件的郵件地址來申請。 - 即使得選,在指定時間內填寫信息有關資料並不完整,我們也會當作棄權處理將得選權移交給下一位人士。 - 請注意得選者盡量不要放棄。如果放棄,將來可能會被拒絕參與TOYSOUL的抽選活動。 - 得選者不能更改任何資料,包括付款方式。否則當作棄權。 請僅在您同意上述規定的情況下申請 --------------------------------------—---- Event is sponsored by Near D, official social media platform. 🎈 TOYSOUL presents. 『PP BABY Nightmare. TOYSOUL ver.』 Total 120 units HKD 480 /unit ※Shipping not included * Shipping maybe suspended due to the outbreak of epidemic in Europe. -------------------------------------------- Method to join the 『PP BABY Nightmare.TOYSOUL ver.』online lucky draw and purchase event: <Application period> 13/10 (TUE) 19:30~21:30 ※International time GMT+8 <Application method via email> - Starting from 19:30 to 21:30 on TUE, Oct 13th (International time GMT +8) Application for lucky draw will be available on Facebook, Instagram, and Weibo. - Send a mail with the information below and the title as” TOYSOUL – PP BABY Nightmare” before the deadline, at event day will share the email address on post. ***Changing any of this information after handed-in are prohibited. *** Full Name: Zip code: Country and region: Address: Phone Number: Payment method:PayPal or Bank-in (HK) *Please provide your PayPal email account if you are settling the payment through PayPal and will have additional change added. < Winner announcement > Winners will be notified by email about the purchase method. Unsuccessful applicants will not receive any email from us. <Payment method and deadlines> - Payment has to be made in Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) - You will receive a confirmation email from us within 5 days. Please settle the payment within three days (3 days) after receiving the confirmation email and please send back the payment record to us. - If you failed to provide the payment receipt, you may be deemed unpaid <Shipping > - After confirmation of payment, we will ship the product asap and will notify you when the order has been shipped out. - Purchase order will not be valid if payment is not received before deadline and applicant might be banned from the mail lottery of TOYSOUL in the future. * Shipping maybe suspended due to the outbreak of epidemic in the globe. < Notes on participation> - This is a one-time application for every applicant. - Any kind of fraudulent acts would be disqualified. - Since the winner will be announced by email, a valid email address is required to contact. - Incomplete application form will result in disqualification of application. - Order cancellation is not recommended for applicants. Applicant maybe banned from the mail lottery of TOYSOUL in the future if order cancellation has been made. - TOYSOUL reserves the right of the final decision. #ppbabynightmare #噩夢PPBABY #PPBABY #AAAZ #toyzeroplus #TOYSOUL #亞洲玩具展 #arttoy #designertoys