Norfolk Road


Norfolk Road

Norfolk Road


😀 Grinning Face 嘿嘿(在的) grin / noun [ 可數名詞:有複數形式的名詞 ] UK /ɡrɪn/ US /ɡrɪn/ ● a wide smile 露齒笑,咧嘴笑,齜牙笑 ● I assumed things had gone well for him because he had a big grin on his face. 我想他一切應該進展得很順利,因為他在咧著大嘴笑。 ● a broad/sheepish grin 合不攏嘴的笑/靦腆地咧嘴笑 1. That child's got such a cheeky grin. 2. I love his mischievous grin, don't you? 3. The baby turned and gave me a toothy grin. 4. At 70, he still retains his impish grin. 5. Amy took a crayon and drew a round face with two round eyes and a big grin.

🤫 Shushing Face 安靜的臉 噓! 意在沈默別人。 或者某人正在承認一個不應該重述的秘密。 很好地告訴對方閉嘴。 shush exclamation informal UK /ʃʊʃ/ US /ʃʊʃ/ used to tell someone to be quiet 噓(要某人保持安靜) Shush! I want to listen to the news. 噓!我要聽新聞。 🤫🤫🤫 shush verb [ I or T ] informal UK /ʃʊʃ/ US /ʃʊʃ/ to (cause to) stop talking or making a noise (使)停止喧鬧;(使)停止說話 I wish you kids would shush and let me read the paper in peace. 孩子們,我希望你們能安靜下來,讓我安安靜靜地看報紙。 He tried to shush the children. 他設法使孩子們安靜下來。 #每日一句 #英文 #english


與小孩子每天學少少 #每日一句 #天天進步 #English




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