Namewee 黃明志 To 伍佰 - Wu Bai 五百 Lyrics 歌詞 #Namewee #黃明志 #伍佰 #五百 Singer: Namewee 黃明志 Album: 亞洲通才 2020 Asian Polymath Title: Wu Bai 五百 English Title: Five Hundred 陽光下我逆著風 滿臉的塵埃 Yángguāng xià wǒ nìzhe fēng mǎn liǎn de chén'āi I go against the wind, with my face covered in dust 追逐著巨大的夢 卻沒想過在口袋 zhuīzhúzhe jùdà de mèng què méi xiǎngguò zài kǒudài I pursue the dream, but never check my pocket 我只有五百 就只有五百 wǒ zhǐyǒu wǔbǎi jiù zhǐyǒu wǔbǎi I have only 500 Taiwan Dollar, just 500 Taiwan Dollar 那個年少輕狂的我騎著歐兜賣 nàgè niánshào qīngkuáng de wǒ qízhe ōu dōu mài I ride on my bike as youth is burning inside 發現機車道上的人們都跑太快 fāxiàn jīchē dàoshàng de rénmen dōu pǎo tài kuài Everyone on the same lane makes me look lame 我聽著伍佰 我哼著伍佰 啊~ wǒ tīngzhe wǔbǎi wǒ hēngzhe wǔbǎi a ~ I am listening to Wu Bai, I sing along with Wu Bai. Ah~ 少年啊 要忍耐 shàonián a yào rěnnài Young man, pull yourself together 撐過熬過總算苦盡甘來 chēngguò áoguò zǒngsuàn kǔjìngānlái Make it through and hardship will be over 當初的理想和願望還在胸懷 dāngchū de lǐxiǎng hé yuànwàng hái zài xiōnghuái My dream and ambition are still in my heart 只是被無情的現實掩埋 zhǐshì bèi wúqíng de xiànshí yǎnmái But they are buried by harsh reality 青春啊 已不在 qīngchūn a yǐ bùzài Youth is long gone, 生命潮起潮落春去秋來 shēngmìng cháo qǐ cháo luò chūn qù qiū lái Life goes on as seasons come and go 曾經我深愛的最愛的那女孩 céngjīng wǒ shēn ài de zuì'ài dì nà nǚhái The girl I once loved so deeply 她的笑容是否一樣可愛 tā de xiàoróng shìfǒu yīyàng kě'ài Is her smile still as lovely? 從前的愛 不再回來 cóngqián de ài bùzài huílái My love from the past is not coming back 花謝花開 珍惜現在 huā xièhuā kāi zhēnxī xiànzài Nothing last forever, cherish the present 當時我沒有翅膀 沒有肩膀 沒能耐 dāngshí wǒ méiyǒu chìbǎng méiyǒu jiānbǎng méi néngnài I didn't have a shoulder for her to lean on 想送她一份生日驚喜我摸摸口袋 xiǎng sòng tā yī fèn shēngrì jīngxǐ wǒ mō mō kǒudài I wanted to buy her a gift, but my pocket surprised me 我只有五百 就只有五百 wǒ zhǐyǒu wǔbǎi jiù zhǐyǒu wǔbǎi I have only 500 Taiwan Dollar, just 500 Taiwan Dollar 這城市一片荒蕪直到遇見她的愛 zhè chéngshì yīpiàn huāngwú zhídào yùjiàn tā de ài This city is without life, until the day I met her 霓虹燈閃閃爍爍就像我們的舞台 níhóngdēng shǎnshǎn shuòshuò jiù xiàng wǒmen de wǔtái Neon lights are flickering like the stage we're standing 我聽著伍佰 我哼著伍佰 啊~ wǒ tīngzhe wǔbǎi wǒ hēngzhe wǔbǎi a ~ I am listening to Wu Bai, I sing along with Wu Bai. Ah~ 少年啊 要忍耐 shàonián a yào rěnnài Young man, pull yourself together 撐過熬過總算苦盡甘來 chēngguò áoguò zǒngsuàn kǔjìngānlái Make it through and hardship will be over 當初的理想和願望還在胸懷 dāngchū de lǐxiǎng hé yuànwàng hái zài xiōnghuái My dream and ambition are still in my heart 只是被無情的現實掩埋 zhǐshì bèi wúqíng de xiànshí yǎnmái But they are buried by harsh reality 青春啊 已不在 qīngchūn a yǐ bùzài Youth is long gone, 生命潮起潮落春去秋來 shēngmìng cháo qǐ cháo luò chūn qù qiū lái Life goes on as seasons come and go 曾經我深愛的最愛的那女孩 céngjīng wǒ shēn ài de zuì'ài dì nà nǚhái The girl I once loved so deeply 她的笑容是否一樣可愛 tā de xiàoróng shìfǒu yīyàng kě'ài Is her smile still as lovely? 少年啊 要忍耐 shàonián a yào rěnnài Young man, pull yourself together 撐過熬過總算苦盡甘來 chēngguò áoguò zǒngsuàn kǔjìngānlái Make it through and hardship will be over 當初的理想和願望還在胸懷 dāngchū de lǐxiǎng hé yuànwàng hái zài xiōnghuái My dream and ambition are still in my heart 只是被無情的現實掩埋 zhǐshì bèi wúqíng de xiànshí yǎnmái But they are buried by harsh reality 青春啊 已不在 qīngchūn a yǐ bùzài Youth is long gone, 生命潮起潮落春去秋來 shēngmìng cháo qǐ cháo luò chūn qù qiū lái Life goes on as seasons come and go 曾經我深愛的最愛的那女孩 céngjīng wǒ shēn ài de zuì'ài dì nà nǚhái The girl I once loved so deeply 她的笑容是否一樣可愛 tā de xiàoróng shìfǒu yīyàng kě'ài Is her smile still as lovely? 從前的愛 不再回來 cóngqián de ài bùzài huílái My love from the past is not coming back 花謝花開 珍惜現在 huā xièhuā kāi zhēnxī xiànzài Nothing last forever, cherish the present

黃明志 To 伍佰【五百】@亞洲通才 2020 Asian Polymath

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