M15球狀星團 尋晚睇星順手影左1分鐘exposure. 因為睇星關係無對好極軸,又用左cheap雞focal reducer, 星點唔太圓 Capture details: Date: 20200619 Telescope: Celestron C8-A XLT FocalLength: ~1260mm (0.63X reducer) Mount: Rainbowastro RST-135 Camera: QHYCCD QHY290m Exposure: 0.5s x 120 (total integration 1min) Processed: DSS, PI, PS

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所以喜歡天文嘅朋友都歡迎加入討論 嚟緊如果疫情好轉,夏季會同一班天文同好搞市區roadshow,提供大型支望遠鏡比市民觀星✨




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