洛克人新手遊下星期上架! 真係玩返橫向動作, 雖然 touch mon 個人覺得好難, 但都會試下~ 事前登錄送女角: event.capcom.com.tw/rxd/obt_0203/zh-TW.html 預約下載: (iOS) apps.apple.com/hk/app/id1488067160 (Android) play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tw.com.capcom.rxd 早前 beta 試玩片段: youtube.com/watch?v=eKNNxKlUSuc&t=412s

輸入信箱獲取「艾莉雅」序號! 邀請好友再抽限量週邊
The latest chapter in the classic action shooting game, "Mega Man X!" Play as the legendary irregular hunters X and Zero, and take on the internet world known as the "Deep Log." ◾Has the same computer world from previous versions of Mega Man X: "Deep Log" An unexplainable error occured in the Deep Log one day, causing the game data of "Mega Man X" to malfunction. Use legendary heroes such as "X" and "Zero" to take on the irregular data! ◾A literal and uncompromised presentation of authentic Mega Man actions Dashes, jumps, buster, and saber! The game retains the authentic actions of "Mega Man X," and has added automatic aiming and 360-degree shooting. The unique optimization of this game makes movements even smoother! The size and positioning of the buttons can also be customized to make it even closer to the original "Mega Man X!" ◾The Characters of "Mega Man X" will be introduced one after the other The images and 3D models in this game have been recreated using the latest specifications. The characters of your memories will be introduced with brand new appearances! ◾Equip a wide variety of Weapon and BOSS Chips In addition to the necessary busters and saber, there will be a large number of weapons added to the game. Try the beam sickle of Grim Reaper Sigma and enjoy the thrill of tearing through enemies! In addition, collect corresponding chips by defeating BOSSES. Make BOSS skills part of your own arsenal, and swiftly defeat all of the enemies. ◾Experience the thrill of Co-op/Versus Modes This is the first time that the "Co-op" system is implemented in the "Mega Man X" series! Enjoy completing difficult levels with your friends. In the "Versus Mode," you can use the characters you've cultivated and show off various skills to defeat your oppponents. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS:Android 6.0 or later ※ Bluetooth Gamepad Support (Some may not be supported. Please follow up official website for details.)
洛克人 X DIVE 手遊 封測簡單介紹

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