California bear feeding bottle warmer 暖奶器 $90 中環/尖沙咀/柴灣 交收

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可以中環站/尖沙咀站交收。 初生BB缺乏安全感,有一個安全既枕頭包圍佢地會令佢地訓得更安心。呢個枕頭一邊斜斜地可以讓BB側少少訓,唔怕嘔奶。好慶幸買左呢個枕頭,BB大左唔需要,希望轉讓比有需要既媽媽。大推!


California Baby Food Cooker 9成新 $100 (原價$239) 加固第一步煲粥仔,操作容易,方便女傭姐姐操作。新舊如圖。中環/尖沙咀/柴灣 交收 California Bear - Baby Food Cooker The Calfornia Bear Baby Cooker can help you to prepare porridge for your baby in just one easy step! By using low power heating and ceramic inner pot, the porridge can be made more creamy and more easy to be digested. The small size let you cook fresh porridge for eah meal and you can vary your recipe every time. Babies are happy to enjoy different taste and feel joyful in eating! Cmall Size, fresh porridge every meal Simple to use, one button operation Ceramic inner pot Keep warm Inidcation Light

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麻煩大家: 1.備注方便交收地點 2.出價不得高於原價的八折,否則要備注原因:如限量版,全新未拆封,82年的拉菲等特殊原因 清左間屋先可以繼續Happy Shopping😊

🐷寶寶 二手天地



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