圖一定圖二? 選擇困難發作💗 ♡ 春日美護首選 換天氣必備穩定肌膚保養 好多時都會忽視身體護理 🌸 ROSE系列從頭到腳香香美美💕 🎀 美胸緊緻護膚油 買一送一 🎀 香水/ 水潤沐浴露/ 修護浴髮乳/ 修護髮膜/ 洗衣液 8折 🌟以上優惠會員折扣同步 💝下單即送 🍑香桃天然消毒噴霧 + 🐰兔兔轉印貼紙 🈵$8️⃣8️⃣8️⃣送SNOW ALGAE 凍齡水嫩面膜 價值$298 數量有限 送完即止 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼網店 🔗 carriecarries.co Carrie Carries Carrie Kwok #carriecarrieshk #Skincare #Beauty #beautytips ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ►Threads: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ
要keep住呵護自己肌膚🩷襯優惠入手~~~ 宜家Yves Rocher全新膠原寒冰花系列門市限時8折 優惠期至3月27日 yvesrocherhk Yves Rocher Hong Kong #Yvesrocher #Yvesrocherhk #全新膠原寒冰花系列 #補充膠原蛋白 #有效減退皺紋 #Breakthetimeline #打破歲月痕跡 ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ►Threads: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ
Thanks for Pixi Beauty invitation🥂 Let me experience and celebrate the launch of their newest SS25 Collection 💚 Have chance to try their new beauty products and wonderful night. Highly recommend their Lip Blush, Lip Tone and On The Glow Base. Beautiful colour palette easy match everyday outfit or make up.✨ #pixibeauty #piximemories #pixiglow #pixibeautyhk ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ►Threads: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ
Happy Sharing 💗
愛美麗、愛生活、愛美食、愛旅遊、愛吃喝玩樂....,努力精采自己人生的一頁。FollowMe 💗https://linktr.ee/Annielittlecake
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