Hello wonderful Sunday☀️ Hello ~ Hello Kitty💗 Need some rehydrate, replenish and refresh with our my bestie Makeup Fixing Mist🌸💦 This Rose Water, Green Tea, and Willow Bark Extract infused treatment mist will help to set and prolong makeup wear, while also hydrating and balancing complexion, leaving it with a naturally radiant finish effortlessly✨ Pixi Beauty Hello Kitty #PixiBeauty #PixiBeautyHK #HelloKitty #MakeupFixingMist ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ

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淘寶期間限定活動🎉 @taobao.hongkong 同 @snapio.io 合作聯乘 #拍照穿搭體驗館 入面有好多Y2K 、日系韓文青高質靚衫👗👚 我身上呢套 OOTD 穿搭都係喺體驗館揀架🧡 盡顯型格 GENZ 風😎 只要入去體驗館向工作人員 show 淘寶APP 或者follow 埋淘寶FB/IG 就可以免費獲得好可愛嘅淘公仔 X SNAPIO 四格自拍機會喇! 將你嘅 #四格相 上載至社交平台 check-in埋體驗館就可以獲得多一次影相嘅機會 即刻帶埋BFF嚟打卡先📸~ 現場仲有機會獲得淘寶禮物同埋淘寶 #新勢力週 購物優惠碼🎁 📍 地址: 屯門市廣場一期1樓1127號舖 📆 日期: 3月14 – 16日、21 – 23日、28 – 30日 (逢星期五至日) ⏰ 時間: 1PM – 8PM Tmtplaza At Tuen Mun taobao.hongkong Snapio #Taobao #Taobao HK #淘寶 #淘寶香港 #淘出一萬種生活 #SnapioHK #新勢力週 #IFASHIONWEEK #屯門市廣場 ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ►Threads: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ

踏入花季嘅日子 空氣中瀰漫著淡淡清雅花香 乘著春風翱翔🌼 為感謝女性對社會的付出與貢獻 DECORTÉ 特別推出3月限量版 #KIMONO #MIMOSA 金合歡花香系列 香水氣味清新澄淨💛 散發著春日療癒香氣 由內而外被溫柔優美芬芳包圍 散發出光彩動人的自信✨ cosmedecortehk DECORTÉ HK SOGO Hong Kong (香港崇光百貨) #DECORTEHK #黛珂 #cosmedecorte #崇光 #SOGO #DECORTE #MIMOSA #國際婦女節 ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ►Threads: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ

Thanks for Pixi Beauty invitation🥂 Let me experience and celebrate the launch of their newest SS25 Collection 💚 Have chance to try their new beauty products and wonderful night. Highly recommend their Lip Blush, Lip Tone and On The Glow Base. Beautiful colour palette easy match everyday outfit or make up.✨ #pixibeauty #piximemories #pixiglow #pixibeautyhk ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ►Threads: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ

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愛美麗、愛生活、愛美食、愛旅遊、愛吃喝玩樂....,努力精采自己人生的一頁。FollowMe 💗https://linktr.ee/Annielittlecake


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