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Say Hello to Kitty ♥️ Hello Kitty fever hit to beauty 🌸 Glow bright this spring with Pixi beauty Hello Kitty Hello Glow-y Radiance Powder in shade Friendly Blush💗 This silky natural mineral powder has been formulated with Vitamin E, Apple Seed Oil and Ceramides to nourish, protect and help restore skin moisture while creating a skin-loving lustre that lasts. Available in two radiance creating hues! Love to add a touch of glow as a finishing touch it really brightens the whole face✨ #Pixibeauty #HelloKitty #RadiancePowder Pixi Beauty ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ

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