#iTRIAL美評實測 調色修顏 潤澤持妝】 持久遮瑕,提亮修容,締造完美無瑕肌✨#美評家Annie @annie_littlecake 今次為大家實測一下!即刻去片睇睇❣️ 美評家使用產品: Givenchy Beauty - 高訂稜鏡遮瑕膏 高訂稜鏡修正調色霜 請follow @itrial.sundaymore more 看最新美妝產品試用❤️ #iTRIAL美評 #hkbeauty #beautyreview #hkbeautyblogger #makeup #makeuptutorial #makeuptips #makeupreels #美評實測 #givenchybeauty #givenchyhk #concealer #corrector iTRIAL美評 ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ

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Thanks @kowloonshangrila having US🫶👩🏻👦🏻👧🏻 #REPOST @kowloonshangrila with @get__repost__app Discover a world of boundless possibilities this May Golden Week with a stay at Kowloon Shangri-la! The ‘Infinite Delights’ package offers dining credit that allows you to dine across the culinary gems at the hotel, what’s more, you can enjoy exclusive privileged prices with the credits. Double Rewards. Infinite Delights await! A series of cultural activities and entertainments are ready for you to unlock as well. Book now from the link in bio! #GoldenWeek #KowloonShangriLa #九龍香格里拉 #repostios #repostw10 ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ

閒時嘆杯熱茶🍵 感覺寧神舒壓 茶香撲鼻好療癒🍃 . 當中綠茶含豐富茶多酚🌿 每日兩杯仲可以抗氧化和保持心血管健康 而Lipton 茗閒情玄米綠茶更是我杯茶 茶葉採摘自著名茶產區獲雨林聯盟認證🔰 三角形茶袋設計 讓茶葉完全散開沖泡 茶湯亮澤呈金黃色 口感甘醇清爽 淡淡清新帶花香🌼 冷冲熱泡皆可 瘦身、排毒、美肌get 💫 . 原味之選Lipton 綠茶茶包💚 鐘意茶味帶果香嘅朋友推介 Lipton 蜜桃橙香綠茶 淡淡馥郁果香🍑🍊 . 🍵一齊感受品茗嘅樂趣 Lipton 茗閒情 - 玄米綠茶: 百佳、惠康、AEON及HKTVmall 有售 Lipton 蜜桃橙香綠茶 及 Lipton 綠茶茶包: 百佳、惠康、AEON及HKTVmall 有售 & 網上購物平台(HKTVmall / PNS網購 / 惠康網店 / 屈臣氏 / Ztore) 惠康網店:shorturl.at/pBHV1 . Lipton #LiptonHK #Lipton綠茶 #綠茶 #茗閒情 #玄米綠茶 #三角立體茶包 #十分好茶十分台灣 #蜜桃橙香綠茶 #冷沖熱泡 #茶多酚 #類黃酮 #雨林聯盟認證 #每日2杯 ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ

Thanks for @kerryhotelhk having me 🫶 今個五一黃金周,香港嘉里酒店帶您探索無限可能的「您想」旅程。凡訂購五一住宿假期,即獲贈餐飲消費額,讓您在香格里拉集團旗下16間尊貴食府中盡享。酒店還提供一系列獨特的旅遊體驗,不論是城市探索或忘憂度假,我們將為您打造別具一格的個性化旅程。 立即計劃「您想」五一之旅:bit.ly/3UgEycp #KerryHotelHongKong #香港嘉里酒店 kerryhotelhk ============ 🍰Follow ME 🍰 ► Facebook: @annielittlecake ► Instagram: @annie_littlecake ► Xaiohungshu: @annielittlecake ► YouTube: @annielittlecake ► ᴏᴘᴇɴʀɪᴄᴇ ɪᴠ

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愛美麗、愛生活、愛美食、愛旅遊、愛吃喝玩樂....,努力精采自己人生的一頁。FollowMe 💗https://linktr.ee/Annielittlecake


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