Manager / Senior Engineer Job Duties: Carry out architectural design, RTL coding, logic synthesis, FPGA prototyping and IC implementations; Digital and software teams board development and communications; Carry out module level and top level verifications, and board level evaluation; Interface with system design team and backend design team; Help to develop analog, digital and software module; Carry firmware design or MCU programming, especially for USB Type-C; Support the new product design and development process, technical sourcing and testing; Be innovative to support and form product definition, development and the coordination of the electronics hardware design and software logic; Prepare Schematics and PCB layouts, engineering prototypes and/or testing specifications as per the projects required; Coordinate with the mechanical engineering team throughout the product development and production process; Participate in the pilot run and engineering production to ensure the product is successful & keep at sustainable production level; Monitor and ensure the products quality meets the industry standards, safety and/or other specific requirements. Job Requirements: Degree holder and major in Electronic engineering or related engineering; Minimum 3 years of solid experience in Electronic Engineer in Consumer Electronic; 0 to 3 years working experience in digital frontend and backend design, candidates with more experience will be considered and offered at higher level; Hands-on experience in micro-architecture, RTL coding, FPGA prototyping and IC implementation. Knowing analog circuit design is a plus; Solid knowledge on computer architecture, micro-processor and digital signal processor; Familiar with FPGA/SoC design methodology and EDA tools and flows; Experience in Analog or Power Design is a plus; Good communication skills including fluently spoken English and Putonghua, with a strong team spirit. 詳情請按:

Manager / Senior Engineer / Engineer, Digital-Mixed Signal Design & Software Engineering | 全職、兼職、要搵工,盡在一份好工GoodJob.One|搵工網站一份好工 GoodJob.One

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