HIGH TECH TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 芯高科技 Job Duties: Support periodic maintenance of Integrated ATE (e.g. ASL1000) and Handler (e.g., Espon/Hontech) and maintain the records Handler setup for different IC package Calibration and Diagnostic of ATE and Handler Provide IC test production support, data logging, collection Provide support for packing of tested IC / Electronics product Troubleshooting of ATE loadboard Assist engineer for corner test, and characterization Work with test engineer for setup of new equipment/tool/software Provide support for PCB layout, soldering, testing of electronic IC, circuit or products Continuous improvement of machine availability Job Requirements: Higher Certificate / High Diploma in Engineering or Science Disciplines Over 10 years of experience in operation of IC ATE and Handler Knowledge in machine control system, such as sensors, relays and pneumatics Ability to read electronics schematics, and use multimeter, soldering iron for basic troubleshooting Familiar with safety and operation in clean room and electronics laboratory environment Good verbal communication skill with engineer/manager to report the test issues and results Ability to perform troubleshooting for tester/handler is a plus Knowledge and proficiency in the use of PC based office tools (e.g. excel / powerpoint) 申請工作: goodjob.one/?p=79471 #goodjob #一份好工 #全職 #兼職 #請人 #招聘 #搵工 #科學園

Assistant Consultant/ Assistant Associate IC Testing & Applications | 一份好工 GoodJob.One

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Business:         Trading Company   Job Description : ·         full set of I/E documents including invoice, packing list, CO, Form E etc ·         Co-ordination with CS/customers/forwarders/couriers to arrange shipments ·         Support the urgent shipment inquiries and follow up the deli ...





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