我電話舊,係唔係政府派錢比我換先? #安心出行
我電話舊,係唔係政府派錢比我換先? #安心出行
2021 INSTAGRAM 上傳加入多張照片功能不能用?找不到多張照片功能,按鈕消失了?為什麼 INSTAGRAM CAROUSEL 不起作用? 許多INSTAGRAM用戶抱怨說“CAROUSEL”輪播選項已無法使用,因為他們無法在一個帖子中上傳多張圖片。 正如許多人所報導的那樣,INSTAGRAM Carousel輪播多張照片仍在工作,唯一的區別在於“選擇多個”選項現已消失。 您所要做的就是按住圖片不放,以便顯示“選擇多個”功能。 完成此操作後,您最多可以像以前一樣添加10張照片或視頻。 大多數抱怨此問題的人來自iPhone用戶,因為使用某些Android設備的用戶仍然可以使用該功能。 WHY IS INSTAGRAM CAROUSEL NOT WORKING? A number of Instagram users have complained that the Carousel option has stopped working for them as they can’t upload multiple pictures in one single post. Instagram Carousel is still working with the only difference that the ‘Select Multiple’ option has now disappeared, as reported by many people. All you have to do is to press and hold down on the picture in order for the ‘Select Multiple’ feature to appear. Once you do this, you can add up to 10 photos or videos just like before. Most people who have complained about the issue come from iPhone users as the feature is still visible for some who use Android devices. #2021 #instagram #carousel #懶人包
【Signal疑內地被禁】據彭博報道,內地從周一晚開始,須通過VPN才能使用SIgnal,暫未清楚是臨時還是永久被禁。 #Clubhouse #Signal #中國新聞
我facebook有1000+朋友, MeWe先有50個, 仲話要轉台... 轉頭咪又係玩返facebook..............
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