
Night Market Adam Zwain youtube.com/watch?v=JdbSEoeMFHA All travelers to Taiwan instantly fall in love with one of the most vibrant aspects of Taiwanese culture—the Night Market. In this game, you will control a team of workers that venture out during the day to gain skills, recruit customers, and collect Taiwanese delicacies. At night, gameplay is simultaneous as players build their market to gain loyal customers looking to purchase the delicacies the players collected. Do you have what it takes to outwit your rivals with abstract worker placement and powerful skill combinations to develop the city’s next up-and-coming Night Market? Seize the day to rule the night! Number of players: 2 to 4 Playing time: 75 minutes Ages: 12 and up Publication date: 2021 2019 Cardboard Edison Award Finalist As the sunsets on Taipei’s City, the exotic smells of food begin to waft through the streets. Eager and hungry customers follow these smells to their source and find a treasure trove of stalls offering all types of delectable options. Welcome to Night Market! In Night Market, you are a business owner trying to construct stalls to sell food to customers with distinctive tastes. These customers will move through your night market, looking for their cravings to be fulfilled. To capitalize, you must acquire different foods from the city and strategically place them in your night market to accommodate your customers. Furthermore, your customers are also seeking and are willing to pay more for specialty dishes. The challenge is you only have so much time to shop for ingredients and prepare for the market’s opening. Customers that are satiated will become loyal customers and come back for another visit; disappointed customers will leave. Night Market forges spatial worker placement mechanism with challenging resource management to maintain customer loyalty resulting in sales. At the end of the game, the player who has earned the most reputation through sales and popularity will be regarded as the “Best Night Market.” #boardgame #nightmarket #adamzwain
平衡手工,好神奇 youtu.be/78m6UuZSD2A
大家好! 新年之後第一隻要介紹既broadgame就係: 🧩🧩<復仇女神號>🧩🧩 🚀🚀一款異形科幻主題半合作型遊戲,結合了吹牛、背刺,以及其他生存恐怖冒險元素。 通過科幻電影般的故事背景,極富新意的遊戲機制以精美的模型,於2018年初在Kickstarter上架並大獲成功。 遊戲人數:1-5人 適合年齡:12歲以上 遊戲時間:約90-180分 之前同朋友玩過一次,內容真係幾豐富,大家會有一個共同任務之餘,每人仲會有一個隱藏任務要完成 🦠🦠而且玩家當中係會有內鬼,而且每個內鬼要搞事既任務都未必一樣,任務內容有機會係破壞太空船,有機會係要令太空船返唔到地球,有機會係要殺哂所有人,最特別既有機會係要偷偷地運送異形蛋返地球!! ⚔️⚔️異形怪物又有好多唔同種類,大家都要裝備好自己先好入去搵d異形呀🤪 👾👾但個次因為冇人識玩,我同朋友都玩左半日,節奏超慢,所以我建議最好搵一個好熟呢隻broadgame既mc帶住大家玩會比較順暢d 今日介紹係咁多!!請大家多多支持! #broadgame #無智能趣味 #遊戲 #群體遊戲
大家好!!🎷🎷 原本想開一個有關broadgame既群組,但我又鐘意睇一啲簡單原始既群體遊戲同埋生活趣味,所以就開左呢個群組!!♟♟ 希望大家多多支持!! 大家都可以share自己既無智能生活趣味!! 呢度大家希望彼此尊重,不可以有罵戰,有咩事大家大方d各讓一步啦 希望呢個群組係輕鬆開心既,感謝大家
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