It's finally our turn to be the main characters, of course we Guinea Pigs has to show our support! Twitter @内田温(うちだはる) Halle_Uchida
It's finally our turn to be the main characters, of course we Guinea Pigs has to show our support! Twitter @内田温(うちだはる) Halle_Uchida
The old chair was broken, wanted to get a new chair just in time for the new year 😌 But it seems something went seriously wrong when shopping online .. 💩 Twitter @あちこまる xhamutaro
Evolve! Muscle Chicken!! Twitter @niwatori3wa
A transparent public toilet is opened in Shibuya 😲 The moment you lock, it'll become solid color! But what if the system fails when you are right in the middle of...🚽 video: Twitter @yukio
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