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Role of SEO to Website Migration: How to keep your organic search performance post-website migration youtu.be/AY0Buhqkifo Sure you have heard those horror stories: Once you put all the effort to Website Migration and a new and shiny site is here - along with the tragic loss of traffic and revenue. However, planning your SEO strategy smart, Website migration can be a great chance for your business to boost organic visibility and traffic, for example, by improving website flow or content issues. Get it right and you’ll be a hero. Get it wrong and you’ll see the traumatic drops in traffic and visibility. Our speaker, Rhea Teves, the SEO professional with more than 10 years experience, will share the essential factors of the entire site migration process – from strategy, optimizing, through to improving performance post-migration, and explains why you can stand 100% chance to execute a site migration without suffering significant losses. #seo #GrowthMarketerAcademy
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