good old thing 金メタル付平打ちブレス #goros #高橋吾郎 #ゴローズ

good old thing 金メタル付平打ちブレス #goros #高橋吾郎 #ゴローズ
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF MASK . This washable / re-usable mask is based on the classic surgical design with horizontal pleats that allow you to pull the top or bottom to fit your face. We use two elastic bands sewn horizontally, you can use the top and bottom or just the top band, allowing the bottom band to hang (Josh’s method for covering most of his beard). Rachel has modified hers but cutting the elastic loops and tying them back together forming ear loops, video to follow. • 100% cotton • Hand washable #Vinavast 從今日(30July, 2020)起,凡購買任何GoodArt HLYWD產品可以優惠價$100港幣購買限定口罩一個,或購買GoodArt HLYWD產品滿$8000港幣即送口罩一個。數量有限,售完/送完即止。 #武漢肺炎 #口罩 #covid19
專注銀器首飾,本群組已介紹以下不同品牌 #品牌介紹 ,也鼓勵大家分享配戴組合 #分享 ! Goro’s /ゴローズ by 高橋吾郎 Goro Takahashi Chrome Hearts by Richard Stark, John Baunann and Lennard Kamhout LoneOnes by Lennard Kamhout Stop Light by 高山隆 First Arrow by 伊藤一也 Ken Kikuchi by 菊地健 Taro Washimi by 鷲見太郎 North Works by 橋本毅 by 文野榮治 Horizon Blue by 平塚隆之 Tady and King by 田尻種衫
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