《神奇女俠1984》唔上戲院?! #神奇女俠 #WW84 Wonder Woman 1984 Reportedly Skipping Theaters, Going Straight To Streaming At this point, it feels a bit like we’ve been waiting to see Wonder Woman 1984 since 1984. After principal photography completed in 2018, it was originally due out in December 2019, but has been the victim of various shifts to its release date, both before and after COVID-19. And though it’s currently scheduled for this Christmas, the fact that Warner Bros. has just moved back all of its other upcoming DC films suggests that it’s going to shuffled along yet again. Or maybe not. A new report claims that the reason WW84 wasn’t included in WB’s renewed release date timeline is because it’s actually sticking where it is, but it’s going straight to streaming. Giant Freakin Robot says that a reliable source tells them that Warner Bros. has looked at the landscape, both the poor shape of theaters at present and the packed list of movies coming out in 2021, and decided that there’s nothing else to do but to drop the sequel directly on demand this December. GFR admits that, though this info stems from a source that has apparently served up accurate intel in the past, it does only come from a single source at the moment, so you can take that how you like. Disney recently made waves by releasing Mulan on D+ in September, though, which has reportedly worked out well for them, so it’s really not that far-fetched that WB would take a similar approach with WW84. At this stage, I don’t think many DC fans would have a problem with the studio going ahead and releasing the movie on streaming, either, as that way, we can finally see it at long last. Exactly how it would be distributed isn’t made clear in GFR’s report, but you’d imagine it would have some kind of premium price tag like Mulan. It could drop on HBO Max, of course, but that’s yet to launch in international markets, unlike Disney Plus. At the moment, though, this is all just talk. But as always, be sure to stay tuned for further updates on Wonder Woman 1984 and how/when it’ll release.

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